Feeling Sexually Blah? It's Time to Stimulate the Sacral Chakra

Often times, clients come to me (particularly moms) without any ability to connect with their lower abdominals. When an area of our body feels dormant or hard to connect with, this can sometimes mean that that corresponding chakra needs some energy brought into the area. The sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality and is located right around the lower abs. Visit this site to read more.

Sacral Chakra

Any exercise that helps stimulate the lower abs can be a great way to bring your sexuality back to life and bring new energy into the area, clearing out stagnation.

There are some go to exercises I love for getting these muscle fibres more alive.

To get your started, I'm going to suggest the towel squeeze tail bone lift exercise. Many people who haven't been able to fire these lower tummy muscle fibres find this fool proof! I've had people swear they haven't been able to feel this area work in any exercises or with lots of coaching in the past and finally feel their lower tummies alive again.


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Sex Trends: What To Expect For 2013

Sexting: Last Year

From debate over anti-sexting laws to tragic stories of bullying and harassment, the topic of sexting took centre stage in 2012. And though most news stories focused on the negative fallout associated with sexting, many sex and relationship experts agree that the marriage between sex and technology can actually improve communication and heighten intimacy as long as you practice safer sext.


Love it or hate it, sexting is one trend that is here to stay! With smartphones and tablets at our fingertips and reverse camera displays and filters that ensure we feature only our very best angles, the temptation to snap sexy photos and share them with our admirers will last well into the new year and beyond.

Virginity Auctions: Last Year

From a 22 year-old California student looking to pay for her Master’s degree to a filmmaker documenting the stories of women seeking the highest bidder through viral videos, virginity auctions made headlines across the globe....

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Sex In The World Of Comic Books

Sexuality in comics can be seen in the fetish inspired costumes, the racy story lines and the killer curves that are drawn onto the characters.

Sex is everywhere even in comics…now I see the fascination for comic nerds!

You can see fetish inspired costumes on characters such as Cat Woman.

She wears a skin tight leather cat suit that could easily be seen on any working dominatrix. Her claws are made to cause pain and her whip to whip the bad guys into shape.


Her badass, take charge, play no games attitude completely mimics a dom and she oozes confidence and sex. She has been played by some of Hollywood’s sexiest such as Michelle Pfeiffer and Halle Berry and most recently by the gorgeous Anne Hathaway.

Wonder woman is an amazon women who also carries a whip… and a very generous bust line. Wonder woman was one of the first popularized comic book beauties and since her entrance into the comic world she has spawned a new generation of comic vixens.

Wonder Woman


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Sexy Senior's Holiday Gift Guide 2012

By Joan Price

Usually when I write a gift guide for you, I compile the best of the sex toys, books, and other items that I've reviewed all year. This year, I'm spotlighting some fabulous products that I haven't reviewed yet, along with some favorites of the year.

I've tried a few different clitoral arousal gels, and they all provide a bit of a tingle. The new wOw Max O from Wet is a whole different species.

I've been using it for several months, and haven't reviewed it yet only because I can't figure out how to describe the sensation. It's more than a tingle -- almost a sting, but in a lusciously arousing, sexy way. It contains two vasodilators which bring blood to the surface of the skin -- important for arousal and orgasm -- and peppermint creates the more-than-tingly sensation. It feels really, really good. (If you can figure out how to describe the sensation, please let me know.) If you like the idea of extra clitoral arousal, but you want a gentle assist rather than the power...

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The Kitty Carpet: The Reusable Downstairs Toupee

Having trouble growing out your pubic hair?

Did you laser everything away and are now having second thoughts?

Want to not-so-subtly nudge your partner into growing her hair out?

Check out the Kitty Carpet: The Reusable Downstairs Toupee! An amazing and amusing holiday gift idea. Laughter is one of the greatest aphrodisiacs!


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The Link Between Emotional Challenges and Chronic Pain

I've become more and more interested in somatization as I try to unravel people's physical issues. Before I continue, here's a bit more info.

Somatization disorder is a long-term (chronic) condition in which a person has physical symptoms that involve more than one part of the body, but no physical cause can be found.

The pain and other symptoms people with this disorder feel are real, and are not created or faked on purpose (malingering).

The disorder usually begins before age 30 and occurs more often in women than in men. The disorder is more common in people with irritable bowel syndrome and chronic pain.

In the past, this disorder was thought to be related to emotional stress. The pain was dismissed as being "all in their head."

However, patients who have a somatization disorder seem to experience pain or other symptoms in a way that increases the level of pain. Pain and worry create a cycle that is hard to break.

People who have a history of physical or sexual abuse are more...

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How To Keep The Flame Burning Over The Holidays

The holiday season can be a stressful time for many couples, so check out Dr. Jess’ tips to help keep your flame burning as your ring in the new year.


Forego Gift-Giving

Good things may come in small packages, but great things come in the form of our most valuable asset…time. The pressure to choose the perfect gift can detract from the cheer of the season, so trade in time at the mall for quality time spent together.

Take turns planning an intimate date and use these ideas as inspiration:

Go ice skating hand-in-hand.

Hit up the tobogganing hill beneath the stars.

Prepare a private brunch for two.

Indulge in a spa day.

Take a holiday cooking class together.

Snuggle up for an evening of spiked hot cocoa and cheesy holiday movies.

Go snow tubing!

Volunteer at a local soup kitchen or “adopt”’ a child and purchase holiday gifts from their wish list.


“Match” Your Family Time

The holidays usually involve a series of...

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The Naughty-But-Nice Gift Guide


Gifts From The Heart

You don’t have to dig deep into your wallet for naughty-but-nice gifts to surprise your lover this holiday season. Try your hand at writing a sexy story or compose a holiday-themed love letter and send it via the old-fashioned post. Make your own massage oil using olive or baby oil or tie a few colourful spatulas together with a festive ribbon and get kinky with some playful spankings. Wrap up a soft-bristled paintbrush and keep your lover guessing as to its use as you melt chocolate wafers for a sensual body-painting session. Alternatively, freeze some apple cider and play with the cool sensations and tastes against your most erogenous body parts before snuggling up under your blankets or in front of the fireplace. Do you know a couple in need of a few hours of alone-time? Offer up the gift of time and schedule a babysitting session outside of their home to let them relax and unwind as they enjoy a quick adult escape. Finally, take advantage of...

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Doggy Style: 5 New Takes On An Old Position

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

When it comes to sex positions, the possibilities are endless! However, even the most creative among us tend to fall into a routine, so sometimes we need a little inspiration to spice things up.

If you’re in need of a bit of inspiration, check out these hot position variations to take your tried and trusted doggie style to a whole new level.


First…The Classic Doggy Style

She gets on her hands and knees and he slides in from behind. That’s it folks!

Pile High Variation

Pile pillows beneath her hips to change her pelvic angle and stimulate her G-Spot and A-Spot from behind. She can lean forward onto her elbows and arch her back to give her butt a little extra POP!

Good Doggie Variation

He takes total control and grabs her by the forearms or wrists, so that she rests on her knees, but her torso is still almost parallel to the mattress. She submits to his dominance as he thrusts and rocks in perfect...

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The Truth About Vibrators

Last week, I tweeted some tips for reaching orgasm more quickly for women and the brilliant Joan Price pointed out that I left vibrators off the list. Considering the fact that almost all of my clients love their battery-operated toys, it really was quite an oversight! This omission coupled with a recent discussion I had with a passionate women’s group in Mexico prompted me to write this piece on vibrators and their role the bedroom.

When it comes to sex toys, there is a lot of misinformation out there, so I’m keen to set the record straight by addressing some of the most common vibrator myths I come across in my practice...


Myth: Vibrators are for single ladies.

Fact: While I can totally envision an awesome ad for the latest and greatest vibrator choreographed to Beyonce’s hit single (how cute would dancing vibrators be?), married women actually report higher rates of use than singles (60 vs. 30 percent). Given that women who use vibrators also report...

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