Doggy Style: 5 New Takes On An Old Position

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

When it comes to sex positions, the possibilities are endless! However, even the most creative among us tend to fall into a routine, so sometimes we need a little inspiration to spice things up.

If you’re in need of a bit of inspiration, check out these hot position variations to take your tried and trusted doggie style to a whole new level.


First…The Classic Doggy Style

She gets on her hands and knees and he slides in from behind. That’s it folks!

Pile High Variation

Pile pillows beneath her hips to change her pelvic angle and stimulate her G-Spot and A-Spot from behind. She can lean forward onto her elbows and arch her back to give her butt a little extra POP!

Good Doggie Variation

He takes total control and grabs her by the forearms or wrists, so that she rests on her knees, but her torso is still almost parallel to the mattress. She submits to his dominance as he thrusts and rocks in perfect...

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New Ways To Get The Mission(ary) Accomplished: Tips To Spice Up This Classic Position

Oh the missionary position! Typically described as “man-on-top and woman-on-bottom, this classic go to configuration is one that many couples have engaged in over the years. As legend has it, this position found its name from Christian missionaries because they believed this position to be the right, and only way, to have sexual intercourse.


The missionary position is prized for its level of intimacy because of how close you can be with your partner. It lends itself to intense eye contact, passionate kissing and low impact thrusting. But if you’ve grown tired of the standard missionary, try out one of these variations.

A Tight Squeeze

Ladies: once your partner is inside, both of you keep your legs together. Move your pelvis so it is slightly below his and have him give you deep thrusts and rock against your mons pubis. The increased tightness from your legs being together will feel great to him, and because you are positioned slightly below his pelvis,...

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