3 Ways To Seduce Your Woman


What do all great lovers have in common? They are masters of seduction and they know it. Confidence may be key to seducing your lover, but you can also pick up a few tips and tricks along the way to keep her coming back for more. Try out these seduction approaches and let us know how it goes!

Compliment Her


You want to have sex with her, right? Then tell her! Let her know that she is the object of your desire and ply her with compliments. Telling her that she looks good won’t suffice. You need to seduce her by describing in detail everything you like about her. Think about all five senses and compliment glow of her skin, the scent of her hair, the taste of her lips, the beauty of her curves and the sweet sound of her breath. Be an animal and let her know just how badly you want to get between her legs…and cater to her every need.

Be Aggressive


Sometimes a poke in the backside or a half-hearted “Wanna do it?” just won’t...

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Women's Breasts Getting Bigger

Women's breasts are getting bigger!


According to Selfridges of London, sales of bras with cup sizes D through G have increased by 50 percent annually since 2005. The most common bra size in the UK is now a 36D compared to 34B only a decade ago.

Helen Attwood buys lingerie for Selfridges and attributes the growing trend to our increasing waistlines.

"We are seeing more demand for the larger sizes and especially for fashionable, sexy bras in bigger sizes for younger women," says Attwood. "We are in general getting heavier and therefore more women have larger busts, but it can even change depending on the time of the month."

However, one study refutes the connection between increases in weight and bigger breasts. The Telegraph reports that researchers at the University of Portsmouth studied 300 women over four years and discovered an increase in breast size regardless of weight.

In response to the demand for accommodating bigger boobs, the department store has started to...

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Women Stare at Breasts

New research out of the UK suggests that it is not only men who stare at women’s breasts. According to a survey by cosmetic surgery company, Transform, 90 percent of women also check out one another’s bosoms several times per day.According to The Sun, men are the “worst offenders.” Of the 1000 men questioned, nearly half admitted that they notice breasts before they look at a woman’s face and 40 percent claimed they sneak a peek a breasts at least ten times per day.Though Transform’s motivation for conducting the large-scale study of 1000 men and 2000 women may seem transparent, they did find that almost half of men think their partner’s breasts are beautiful and wouldn’t want them to change them in any way. Unfortunately, women reported lower levels of breast satisfaction with over half saying they are unhappy with their own set.

Pat Dunion, a spokesman for Transform, reports, "This research is a real insight into our attitude towards...

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