3 Ways To Seduce Your Woman


What do all great lovers have in common? They are masters of seduction and they know it. Confidence may be key to seducing your lover, but you can also pick up a few tips and tricks along the way to keep her coming back for more. Try out these seduction approaches and let us know how it goes!

Compliment Her


You want to have sex with her, right? Then tell her! Let her know that she is the object of your desire and ply her with compliments. Telling her that she looks good won’t suffice. You need to seduce her by describing in detail everything you like about her. Think about all five senses and compliment glow of her skin, the scent of her hair, the taste of her lips, the beauty of her curves and the sweet sound of her breath. Be an animal and let her know just how badly you want to get between her legs…and cater to her every need.

Be Aggressive


Sometimes a poke in the backside or a half-hearted “Wanna do it?” just won’t...

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D is for Dildo, Double Penetration, DATY and Daisy Chain


Dildos are sex toys designed for vaginal or anal penetration and they can take on a variety of shapes and textures. Though dildos don’t move on their own (unlike vibrators), their curves, shapes, sizes and materials make for great sexual props for fun do-it-yourself sex play.

Double Penetration

Double Penetration (DP) often refers to the simultaneous penetration of both the vagina and anus by two different objects. While pornography often portrays DP involving one woman and two men, many people partake in DP using one penis and one toy like an anal plug, vibrator or strap-on.


DATY stands for Dining At The Y and is another term for cunnilingus or going down on a woman. Click here for some pointers.

Daisy Chains

A Daisy Chain is a group sex activity in which all members both give and receive oral sex simultaneously. Named after a string of daisy flowers linked together into a wreath, the sexier version of the daisy chain requires at least...

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Teenage Sex, Casual Hookups & School Performance

Lesbian couple holding handsGreat news! Research suggests that teenage sex doesn't necessarily lead to bad grades. No kidding!

If you just read the profit-driven headlines that combine the sensationalism of sex with the precariousness of the teenage years, you might believe that there is an indisputable causal link between teens being sexually active and earning lower grades.

Not so says the latest research. Those teens who have sex in the context of "romantic" relationships achieve similar academic outcomes as those who abstain from sex altogether. The researchers suggest that romantic partners may play a supportive role and help ease stress and anxiety. Bearing in mind that definitions of self-reported sexual abstinence can be highly subjective, the results can be viewed as encouraging in that they reject the inaccurate notion that teenage sex is inherently linked to poor academic performance.

However encouraging these results may be, they still privilege one type of sex (so-called romantic sex in the...

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Women Stare at Breasts

New research out of the UK suggests that it is not only men who stare at women’s breasts. According to a survey by cosmetic surgery company, Transform, 90 percent of women also check out one another’s bosoms several times per day.According to The Sun, men are the “worst offenders.” Of the 1000 men questioned, nearly half admitted that they notice breasts before they look at a woman’s face and 40 percent claimed they sneak a peek a breasts at least ten times per day.Though Transform’s motivation for conducting the large-scale study of 1000 men and 2000 women may seem transparent, they did find that almost half of men think their partner’s breasts are beautiful and wouldn’t want them to change them in any way. Unfortunately, women reported lower levels of breast satisfaction with over half saying they are unhappy with their own set.

Pat Dunion, a spokesman for Transform, reports, "This research is a real insight into our attitude towards...

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An Orgasm a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Britain Champions The Sexual Rights of Teens

Orgasm Britain's National Health Service (NHS) is taking a new approach to sexual health education and highlighting the universal right to orgasms. A new leaflet entitled, "Pleasure" is being distributed to educators, youth service workers and parents to encourage the reframing of sex as a healthy part of human development and relationships.

The NHS educational campaign carries the slogan, "An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away" and addresses the rights of youth to enjoyable, healthy sex lives. It also recommends masturbation or sex as part of a healthy lifestyle alongside exercise and a balanced diet. A few of the well-documented health benefits of sex include reduced stress, pain and anxiety, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and improved immunity.

Though reactions to this controversial approach have been mixed, a celebration of sexuality alongside accurate information about safer sex just might address many of the sexual issues...

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Can You Break a Penis?

Grey's Anatomy got this one right: a penis can actually be fractured. No... there is not an actual bone inside that boner. But there is a spongy tissue that fills with blood to harden the penis during erection, and the more dense tissue surrounding these chambers (tunica albuginea) can become ruptured.

It suffices to say that you'll know if a penis is broken, but symptoms may include a loud Snap, Crackle and/or Pop, bruising, loss of erection, intense pain and a bend or bump in the penis. Penile fracture can occur through blunt force or bending of an erect penis. Practically speaking, this could result from forceful impact against a harder object like a partner's pelvic bone or perineum (the space between the anus and the penis/vulva).

According to the literature, partnered sexual activity only accounts for about one-third of all reported cases, but this is an injury that is likely under reported. Other causes include vigorous adjusting of the penis, trying to force down an...

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Does Size Matter Part 2

This post is continued from a previous post here...

But does size matter? From a sexological perspective, penis size has very little impact on the sexual pleasure of the penis-bearer or his partner. For men having vaginal sex with women, the shape and size of the vagina do not require large objects of insertion for pleasure and a well placed penis, finger, dildo or other object can produce far more pleasure than an oversized rod. In a relaxed state, the vagina is a short potential space with walls that gently touch and close together and the richest nerve endings are located near the opening. The g-spot, which can produce intense response and orgasm for some women, can generally be stimulated by any object of two inches in length. However, vaginas also come in different sizes, so it may be a matter of finding the perfect fit.

More importantly, the clitoris, that wonderful pleasure organ through which most women achieve orgasm, is not located in the vagina. A penis, finger, feather,...

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Does Size Matter Part 1

I don't have a penis and I've never wanted one. As a woman, I'm subject to impossible pressures with regard to my physical makeup, but I can't even begin to fathom the anxieties associated with penis size. While it may not factor heavily along the path to enlightenment and it doesn't seem to matter to most women, men are socialized to obsess about the size of their penises. Joking, bragging, worrying, strategic shaving, lying and measuring are common symptoms of this cultural fixation that reduces men to the size of their members.

Studies of men who worry that their penises are too small overwhelmingly indicate that their anxieties are unfounded. They often underestimate their own size or overestimate perceptions of normal penis size. More importantly, they miscalculate the degree to which their sexual partners desire a larger penis. Research indicates that 85 percent of women are happy with their partner's penis size in comparison to only 55 percent of men who report satisfaction...

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Sex Ed. Please!

Could you coach football without ever having seen a game?

Each time I host a workshop that addresses the expansion of sexual repertoire, I'm reminded of the fact that very few of us have had the opportunity to learn about sex through the valuable lens of observation. Sure. Many of us have glanced at (and admired) our reflections in the heat of action in an overhead ceiling mirror and we've all been exposed to a whole bunch of actors (I use this term loosely) having the sexual time of their lives, but how many have actually watched others have sex for educational or erotic purposes? Very few.

And how many people have received any formal training in how to give and receive sexual pleasure? Other cultures teach their children how to pleasure themselves and offer formal instruction to young adults in the art of loving and sexual pleasure. This may sound outlandish, but some of our common sexual practices (too much tequila and some sloppy fumbling around in the dark) aren't exactly...

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