How To Feel Sexier!

Morgan’s TOP 5 Tips For Feeling Beautiful, Confident & Sexy Today!

Many of us have been trained to believe that our bodies and/or looks are “not good enough.” However, there is a remedy! If you have ever waged war on your body, beauty, age and/or wrestled with low self esteem, here are my top 5 tips that have helped thousands of my clients experience expanded levels of esteem and confidence  so they can live their sexiest, most turned on lives! Are you ready to feel beautiful, confident and sexy today? If so, read on!

Believe that you are not broken: In our culture, we have been subtly taught that we are broken – which is why we need creams and diet pills, botox and breast augmentation. However, the truth is that YOU are not broken. Instead, it’s our society’s outdated and damaging views that are broken.

Know that you are (YOU)nique: No one else on the planet is exactly like you (even if you are a twin!) so trying to look exactly like...

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Real Women Have Real Bodies

I hate putting on a bathing suit. It’s irrational, to some extent, but very real. I am not alone. I don’t know very many women – over the age of 21 anyway – who like to be seen in their bathing suits. It’s scary. It’s the most surefire way to feel badly about yourself. It’s filled with the anxiety of “stacking up,” of being “hot,” of looking how the media tells you that beautiful women look. After all, you NEVER see “normal” women in bathing suit ads, calendars, movies etc….

I’m not an all-encompassing media blamer. There’s more to it than that. We are reflective creatures. Long before we had mirrors and mass media, I’m betting that we looked to the reaction of others to know whether we were beautiful or not. And I’m betting that when someone else got all the attention, we interpreted it as a personal short coming. Even those of us who claim not to.


When my friend...

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Why Women Lose Interest In Sex...And What We Can Do About It

“I’d rather eat chocolate.”

“I just don’t care for it. It’s more of a hassle.”

“I want to be in the mood, but it just doesn’t happen anymore.”

Do you ever wonder what happened to your libido? Are you in an otherwise happy relationship in which the sexual tension seems to have vanished and you’d like to get it back? You are not alone! Losing interest in sex is actually quite common for women of all ages and while our reasons for becoming uninterested are varied, there are some common themes that emerge in our highly personal stories.

Read on to uncover some of the top reasons women lose interest in sex and explore practical strategies for getting your sexual groove back.

Performance Pressure


Sex is supposed to be an experience, not a performance. If we could shift it back toward the former, the bulk of our sexual challenges would be easily resolved. Unfortunately, our obsession with sex as an indicator of...

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