Japan's Celibacy Syndrome

It seems hard to believe, but recent research suggests that a considerable number of people in Japan have little interest in sex or dating. Sex may be a primal urge, but circumstantial and cultural conditions can impact even our most basic drives. If the statistics below are accurate, this creates an interesting opening for research to better understand cultural, environmental, political and practical factors that impact sexuality. One commenter on the Guardian's site suggests that the data is culturally flawed due to a disconnect between true desires and one's ability to express these honestly (even as a participant in a research study). In other words, it is possible that desire for sex remains fairly consistent across the globe, but our willingness to express this desire is mediated by culture. See the comment/note below on Honne and Tatemae. Have you lost interest in sex and dating or could you see yourself putting these interests on hold? We'd love to hear from you, so please...

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Toronto Sex Show Recap

Dr. Jess had a blast at Toronto's Everything to do with Sex Show this year. From boys on poles to girls in body paint, it was certainly a weekend to remember. Dr. Jess' workshops were so full, people were lining up outside the entrance just to hear some of the oral sex tips featured in her best-selling book Hot Sex Tips, Tricks & Licks. Here's a recap of the excitement from this year's event. Toronto Sex Show

Dr. Jess presenting to a packed house! Best Dressed at the Toronto Sex Show

The two best dressed ladies at Toronto's Everything to do with Sex Show Holly Wolf and Dr. Jess

Holly Wolf and Dr. Jess Quiver Books winner Alicia

Quiver Books winner, Alicia! Packed house at the Toronto Sex Show

Packed house for Dr. Jess' couples' workshop presented by Playboy TV (©Liam Kavanagh-Bradette) Another quiver books winner

Another Quiver Books winner! Christine Kelly and Dr. Jess Dr. Jess signing

Dr. Jess signing books for her fans. (©Liam Kavanagh-Bradette) Dr. Jess and Lea Dr. Jess and Lea from Oasis Aqualounge Marie Roberge Pellerin Dr. Jess and Marie Roberge Pellerin Dr. Jess with fans Dr. Jess takes a photo with fans of Playboy TV's SWING Dr. Jess and Keren Keren is very excited about picking up Hot Sex Tips, Tricks and...

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3 Ways To Seduce a Woman

expert advice Oct 29, 2013

In response to my earlier post, How to Initiate Sex: 10 Pointers For Women, I’ve received several requests from men asking for tips on initiating sex with their female partners. Ask and you shall receive!

3 Ways to Seduce a Woman

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Yeehaw! Dr. Jess is coming to Calgary.

dr. jess' news Oct 29, 2013

Dr. Jess is super excited to be presenting a range of workshops for the good people of Calgary at the Taboo, Naughty but Nice Sex Show. Topics include:

  • Steamy Sex for Couples
  • G-Spots & More
  • Drive Him Wild With Pleasure
  • Hot Sex Tips, Tricks & Licks
  • Anal & Other Taboos

Dates: Thursday, November 7th - Sunday, November 10th

Location: Stampede Park

Click here for further details or purchase your discount tickets online.


Calgary Taboo Show

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Words on Sex and Cancer from Dr. Paul

Today, we take an excerpt on Sex and Cancer from Paul Joannides' Guide To Getting It On.

From a Young Couple We recently received an email from a young woman whose boyfriend has brain cancer. He’s 20, and she’s not yet. He’s had multiple brain surgeries, radiation, and now chemo. Because of his nausea and problems with stamina, she’s on top during intercourse more than before. And some of the things he used to love her to do before his cancer can make him feel nauseated now. But she says as long as they give each other lots of feedback, they still enjoy sex, which shows that you can cut into a person’s brain, nuke it and poison it—it won’t necessarily stop them from wanting sex. In this case, his orgasms help him to feel better after chemo, assuming he’s able. She says, “Sometimes we have sex just to feel closer in a hard time like after we heard he was going to need a second surgery. It’s comforting to be that close to...

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In the Words of Marcus

"I was visiting a friend last night (male). While I was there, another visitor arrived (also male). Within a few minutes of being there, the visitor made a joke where the punch-line was beating up a woman. I told him that I didn't find that joke funny. His response was I needed to relax - it was a joke. I let him know I didn't find jokes like that funny. He became upset that I challenged him on his joke and became irate that I wouldn't just let it go. I asked him, if I was in a room and someone made a joke about beating up asians because they are asians (the visitor was asian) what would he want me to do in those cases? He became more incensed, screamed at me, asked if I was a woman (he used a more unflattering word), and asked if I had a vagina (also using a more lewd word, which I won't write here). When I refused to back down from my position, he suggested that I had a mental deficiency and needed to get help because, as he put it, "why would you be offended?...There's something...

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How to Manage Jealousy -- Advice from a Swinger

Whether you are a swinger, monogamist, polyamorist, or you are simply living sexy, chances are you will have to deal with jealousy in your relationship. Dr Jess and Michael of Playboy TV and Playboy Radio's SWING sit down to discuss how to best manage this inevitable jealousy.

Here are some expert tips:

1. If someone admires your significant other, that's a compliment to you. Jealousy and insecurity are very normal feelings but they aren't necessarily positive. It is best to think of someone else's admiration for your partner as a compliment. This reinforces a much more positive perspective than feeling jealous or insecure about it.

2. Different is good. If your polyamorous partner chooses to enjoy an experience with another woman or man, it does not mean it is necessarily better than your relationship, but rather that it is different. As a couple, it is best not to think of yourselves as two individuals, but rather as single unit. A good variety of sexual experiences is healthy for...

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Sex Box - An alternative to porn?

As part of their Campaign for Real Sex, a series of shows which seek to "reclaim sex from porn," Britain's Channel 4 has launched a new show called Sex Box. The basic premise of the show is that couples have sex in a room-sized box with no windows as a studio audience waits for them to emerge and talk to a panel of experts about their experience. It's not exactly voyeurism. It's not exactly porn. The question is: is it a suitable alternative?

As an alternative to porn, do you think this show stands up? The intent of porn is to stimulate erotic emotions through the use of sexual imagery. Sex Box steers clear of this by replacing explicit sexual imagery with a supposedly edgy public forum on sex. It clearly takes the meat out of the burger, but does it provide a tasty alternative? Is simply hearing couples talk about their sexual experiences in a public forum sufficient enough to make you steer clear of porn? Tell us what you think below.


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