Sex Box - An alternative to porn?

As part of their Campaign for Real Sex, a series of shows which seek to "reclaim sex from porn," Britain's Channel 4 has launched a new show called Sex Box. The basic premise of the show is that couples have sex in a room-sized box with no windows as a studio audience waits for them to emerge and talk to a panel of experts about their experience. It's not exactly voyeurism. It's not exactly porn. The question is: is it a suitable alternative?

As an alternative to porn, do you think this show stands up? The intent of porn is to stimulate erotic emotions through the use of sexual imagery. Sex Box steers clear of this by replacing explicit sexual imagery with a supposedly edgy public forum on sex. It clearly takes the meat out of the burger, but does it provide a tasty alternative? Is simply hearing couples talk about their sexual experiences in a public forum sufficient enough to make you steer clear of porn? Tell us what you think below.


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