How To Feel Sexier!

Morgan’s TOP 5 Tips For Feeling Beautiful, Confident & Sexy Today!

Many of us have been trained to believe that our bodies and/or looks are “not good enough.” However, there is a remedy! If you have ever waged war on your body, beauty, age and/or wrestled with low self esteem, here are my top 5 tips that have helped thousands of my clients experience expanded levels of esteem and confidence  so they can live their sexiest, most turned on lives! Are you ready to feel beautiful, confident and sexy today? If so, read on!

Believe that you are not broken: In our culture, we have been subtly taught that we are broken – which is why we need creams and diet pills, botox and breast augmentation. However, the truth is that YOU are not broken. Instead, it’s our society’s outdated and damaging views that are broken.

Know that you are (YOU)nique: No one else on the planet is exactly like you (even if you are a twin!) so trying to look exactly like...

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How Refreshing! Magic Johnson's Public Support For His Son

Former NBA Star Magic Johnson has become quite public about his support for his 20 year old son Earvin Johnson III, who has just recently come out.

Both Magic and his wife, Cookie have been extremely supportive of their son, whose message has been "we want you to love yourself".

Read the rest of this heartwarming and inspirational story here!

ry here!


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