Red Hot Kissing Techniques

Whether you’re a soft-lipped or firmed-lip kisser, smooching is key to seduction, romantic attachment and sexual arousal. Unfortunately in long term relationships, we often refrain from kissing and push it aside in favor of other forms of foreplay. This is a shame, as research suggests that kissing is not only good for your health, but also for your relationship. In one study, couples who were instructed to kiss more often reported fewer fights, greater relationship satisfaction, less stress and lower cholesterol. In addition to lowering levels of cortisol (a stress hormone), kissing has also primes the parasympathetic nervous system, which is essential to sexual response. But like most good things, the art of kissing doesn’t always come naturally. So check out following suggestions and techniques to learn a few new tricks designed with your health and love life in mind:


Lip Lining

Give your honey a peek into your sexual skills as you expertly trace your...

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