LABT: The Latest Dating Trend

Dr. Jess was recently interviewed by Scott Thompson of CHML Radio about the latest dating trend, LABT: Living Apart But Together. According to research, the number of couples opting to live apart while remaining committed is on the rise and they say they're having their cake and eating it too. But what do you think? We'd love to hear from you!


Here is what a few of our Facebook friends had to say:

Charmaine (age 42) can't imagine living apart from her husband.

"I have been with my partner for close to 19 years, all but 6 months living in the same home. We are raising 2 children under the age of 6, 1 with special needs. My favourite part of the day is when we fall to bed, after everything has been done and the kids are gone to bed, holding hands and planning our next big adventure. I can see why some couples work better apart, for me, I need him there everyday to help keep me going."

Jenny (age 33) appreciates nights away.

"We got married 6 months ago and we lived...

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