Can You Break a Penis?

Grey's Anatomy got this one right: a penis can actually be fractured. No... there is not an actual bone inside that boner. But there is a spongy tissue that fills with blood to harden the penis during erection, and the more dense tissue surrounding these chambers (tunica albuginea) can become ruptured.

It suffices to say that you'll know if a penis is broken, but symptoms may include a loud Snap, Crackle and/or Pop, bruising, loss of erection, intense pain and a bend or bump in the penis. Penile fracture can occur through blunt force or bending of an erect penis. Practically speaking, this could result from forceful impact against a harder object like a partner's pelvic bone or perineum (the space between the anus and the penis/vulva).

According to the literature, partnered sexual activity only accounts for about one-third of all reported cases, but this is an injury that is likely under reported. Other causes include vigorous adjusting of the penis, trying to force down an...

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