Orgasms 101

Orgasms usually involve involuntary muscle spasms, blood flow to the genitals, heightened sensitivity, increased heart rates and hormone release. They may also include ejaculation in both men and women, a visible sex flush and a subsequent state of deep relaxation.


Though often a highpoint of sexual activity, an orgasm should not necessarily be the primary aim, as goal-oriented sex often cultivates unnecessary pressure that detracts from the overall experience. Each woman experiences orgasms differently and no two orgasmic encounters will ever be the same. Some orgasms feel like a gentle flutter or tickle while others may be described as a tremendous release.

I advise clients to experiment with orgasms on their own to become comfortable with their natural response, which may include an infinite range of facial expressions, gestures, movements, change in breathing patterns, moans, sighs, sounds and emotions. There is no “right” way to orgasm or express orgasmic...

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An Orgasm a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Britain Champions The Sexual Rights of Teens

Orgasm Britain's National Health Service (NHS) is taking a new approach to sexual health education and highlighting the universal right to orgasms. A new leaflet entitled, "Pleasure" is being distributed to educators, youth service workers and parents to encourage the reframing of sex as a healthy part of human development and relationships.

The NHS educational campaign carries the slogan, "An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away" and addresses the rights of youth to enjoyable, healthy sex lives. It also recommends masturbation or sex as part of a healthy lifestyle alongside exercise and a balanced diet. A few of the well-documented health benefits of sex include reduced stress, pain and anxiety, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and improved immunity.

Though reactions to this controversial approach have been mixed, a celebration of sexuality alongside accurate information about safer sex just might address many of the sexual issues...

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