Jess discusses BDSM and Consent w/ Dr. Amitay

2013 uncategorized Sep 04, 2014

In light of Jian Gomeshi's so-called "kink defence", Jess and Dr. Oren Amitay discuss the difference between kink and assault. The bottom line is that there is no grey area: consent underscores kink and differentiates it from assault.

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Choose Your Own (Penetrative) Adventure!

Hey, folks!

Check out this awesome guide to finding a dildo that's right for you, created by A Woman's Touch. The quiz format makes it extra reader-friendly, and Dr. Myrtle offers some helpful insight on the dildo's many forms and uses.

Strap harness with pink dildo

To help you choose a dildo, answer these questions.

Use your answers to these questions to help you choose a dildo that will best meet your unique need for comfort and desire for pleasure. Although some people choose to share their dildos and cover them with condoms, most people find that they prefer certain shapes or materials and want to have a dildo of their very own. Having TWO or more dildos for different purposes (or partners) is OK, too!

1. How many fingers do you like having inside of you when you’re aroused ?

____ fingers

2. What length would you prefer?

Longer: I want something easy to hold onto, with extra length I can choose whether or not to insert fully.
Medium long: something in the middle is just right.
Shorter: I...

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Sex Spreadsheet of Rejection "Excuses" is Utter Nonsense

sex news uncategorized Jul 23, 2014

What better way to seduce your partner than to guilt and shame them into having sex with you?

This was ostensibly the logic behind one man's decision to create a spreadsheet detailing every instance of his wife's refusal to have sex in the past month. The record is complete with verbatim explanations from his wife, which he charmingly terms "excuses".


Excuses spreadsheet

There is so much wrong with this, I don't even know where to begin. The fact alone that someone devoted time and energy to making their life partner feel bad is bewildering and saddening. The tone of the document is little better than its already remarkably offensive over-arching message, and his little addendums ("Friends re-run"; "didn't shower until next morning") are dripping with snark and condescension. The husband's entitlement to his wife's body and sexuality speaks volumes about the expectations society places on women and girls, and the tendency to archaically view sex and "pleasing one's husband" as a requisite of...

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Rope Bondage 101

Today, we're expanding our erotic arts and crafts toolkit to include the fine art of naughty knots: Rope Bondage.


There are several reasons why bondage can be a fun and thrilling addition to one's sex life. For some individuals, bondage is an exercise in trust, as the person being tied up is essentially at their partner's mercy; this might be for the purposes of teasing or (consensually) inflicting pain. BDSM allows us to experiment with power dynamics in our relationships; to feel what it is like to have control, and to relinquish it. Others may simply enjoy the aesthetic of bonds, as rope bondage can also be an art form (such as with the case of the "shibari" rope bondage style associated with Japan).

An awareness of safety precautions as well as an ability to communicate and set boundaries, are critical in ensuring a positive first experience with all types of kink. Check out this comprehensive list of rope bondage tips and tricks from the folks at Venus Envy:


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In Support of the "Relfie"

Narcissistic Selfie Association

The steadily growing selfie trend has been criticized time and time again for denoting vanity and narcissism, as well as for its tendency towards posturing and inauthenticity. Because flattering angles, filters and editing tools are used liberally in selfie culture, some people view takers of selfies as “fake” and attention-seeking. In spite of society’s tireless tirade against the selfie, I will always be in full support of it for the reason that, in my opinion, there is nothing inherently wrong with seeking attention. You are indeed gorgeous and noteworthy and you should share your mug with the world if it makes you happy! Selfies have the power to build self-esteem, forge connections through social networking and express one’s individual style and identity. Besides, there are far worse evils in the world than taking a photo of you and your new outfit. Or your new sweetheart.

Your new sweetheart

The “relfie”, a term first coined in Science of Relationships,...

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The Marriage Trap

Today, after my regular Tuesday appearance on Global Television's The Morning Show, I received an angry message on my public Facebook page:

"I just watched you on the Morning Show promoting your propaganda. My younger brother got married and is now dead while I have never been married and am still quite alive. Men are wise to the marriage trap and I will continue to warn them of the evils of marriage. You should be ashamed of yourself trying to trap other men, you already have done so to one. Alimony, restricted visitation rights and betrayal await any man who gets married. You are promoting the Luciferian agenda and this is pure evil. Real men never get married."

This viewer is responding to my statements regarding new research findings suggesting that married men might reap greater health benefits than married women when compared to their single counterparts. The video is posted below (it's the third segment) and I've added a few notes that I wish I had included in the short...

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5 Reasons to do it Yourself

Spank that monkey. Rub that rascal. Stroke that sweet spot.

Masturbation. Whatever you do and whatever you call it, know that you’re perfectly normal and there is no shame in a little self pleasure!


I receive so many emails from concerned masturbators who fear that their solo sex sessions are inherently deviant and will inevitably lead to sexual and/or health problems. However, nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, touching yourself for sexual pleasure can be good for you!

5 reasons to do it yourself

Here are a few reasons to DIY:

It just might be good for your health Studies suggest that sexual pleasure, both partnered and solo, is linked with positive health outcomes including improved prostate health, heightened immunity and better circulation.

It can make partnered sex more pleasurable Most of us agree that you have to love yourself before you can open up to being loved by another and the same principles apply to sex. Masturbation not only offers an opportunity to discover new...

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5 Tips For A Mind Blowing Wedding Night

expert advice Apr 17, 2014

You don't have to bend over backwards (no pun intended) to have spectacular sex on your wedding night. With these simple tips you can make your first time as a married couple mind blowing and memorable.

5 tips for a mind-blowing wedding night

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SLS Exchange Orlando

dr. jess' news Apr 04, 2014

I had a blast in Kissimmee Florida with SLS Exchange and thought I'd share some of the event photos...

SLS Exchange Orlando

SLS Exchange Orlando

SLS Exchange Orlando

SLS Exchange Orlando

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Lube 101

Discovering lube as a grown-up is like discovering what your clit does as a kid. "Who," you think, "was the brilliant mind behind this idea? And why did I not know about this sooner? Why did I memorize the quadratic equation in high school, but not hear a word about this vastly more life-improving substance?" Below you will find an introduction to this lovely stuff.

Because without changing any other single thing that you do in your sex life, you will completely change the feel of most of the things you're already doing. Ever had a hard time coming because the friction of your hand on your clit left you less than excited? Ever been enjoying a nice long round of intercourse only to be stopped short by irritation? Ever ended up with a raw penis after a vigorous jerk-off session? **Ever had a condom break?** Lube, lube, lube, lube.

But not every lube is ideal for every person or every situation. Each lube has a main ingredient, and each has pros and cons. Some lubes are better for anal...

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