VIDEO: Tiger & Lindsey Break Up. How Can Busy Couples Make It Work?

In light of Woods and Vonn's breakup, Jess shares specific tips for maintaining a happy relationships despite our hectic lifestyles. Check out the video or read through the quick summary below.

Tips for busy couples:

1. Say "no" to social and professional commitments when you can. Ask yourself if commitments and their expected outcomes will matter to you when you're 88 years old. If not, say "no" and divert the time toward the person (or people) who will matter at the age of 88.

2. Block off time to be alone and be sure to write it down in your agendas. Some of the busiest couples in the world schedule one weekend alone per month 6 months in advance without exception. You can do it too. If they run into conflicts (e.g. weddings), they pull out their agendas and reschedule to ensure that 12 weekends per year are reserved for one another.

3. Travel together for business once in awhile. Add one day to your business trip for pleasure.

4. Learn to "speak" one another's Love Languages so...

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Why Dating In Your 20s is an Utter Nightmare

I wouldn’t wish being 24 on anyone: it’s an age wrought with complete confusion, desperation, irresponsibility, raging hormones and being completely broke. The only thing worse than being in your early to mid twenties is being in your early to mid twenties in the dating world.

We all have to jitter our way through our twenties eventually, and my only hope is to make it out fairly unscathed. That hasn’t quite been the case thus far, so as I approach turning 25 in a month and a half, I am praying the latter half of this decade is (slightly) less of a vodka-induced haze with a side of heartbreak.

Not only have I endured my own dating nightmares, I also have the pleasure of being the resident pseudo-psychiatrist amongst my group of friends, which allows me to experience by proxy the horrors I haven’t had the pleasure of weathering. Along the way I have managed to compile a small but valuable collection of knowledge about the complete chaos that is the dating...

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George Clooney: I Never Want to Get Married Again

I woke up yesterday morning to a news story  about George Clonney possibly being single and once again his beliefs on marriage came under fire. George married Talia Balsam in 1989 and they were divorced in 1993. After their split, he said he would never marry again. This is always a hot topic with media and this belief can rub people the wrong way. But here is the thing: he said he was never going to marry again -- not that he was never going to commit to someone else or be in a relationship ever again. Here is the other thing: he might also be happy the way he is. Should we be calling him a forever- playboy or perhaps acknowledging that he is brave enough to work out what he wants in life and stand up for it publicly.

We live in a society that puts so much emphasis on marriage as the ultimate happiness. But for some couples (some who have been together for quite some time), marriage can come with a lot of unwanted pressure that wreaks havoc on the relationship. If someone does...

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