Durex Earth Hour Survival Kit Giveaway

dr. jess' news Mar 20, 2014

 Durex #TurnOFFtoTurnON Campaign

Durex is encouraging us all to #TurnOFFtoTurnON for Earth Hour on March 29th, in support of our environment – and our relationships.

It seems that couples today spend a lot more time on their devices than they do interacting with their partner. often this takes a toll on our sex lives. If you’re not convinced, take a look at these stats.

  • A UK study shows that people are having 20% less sex than they were ten years ago (The Lancet – UK adults between 2000 and 2010)
  • 20% of 18-34 year olds in the US have admitted to using their smart phone during sex (Nielsen)
  • Canadians spend an average of 7.1 hours of LEISURE time per day on four screens – smart phones, tablets, computers and television (The Multiscreen Canadian, 2013)

This Earth Hour, I enourage you to disconnect your devices and reconnect with your partner. #TurnOFFtoTurnON March 29th.


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