Technology's impact on relationships: Dr. Jess on The Morning Show

Phones, tablets, computers, and other electronic gadgets are now a part of our everyday life. But is your Twitter status update as important as your partner's feelings? And are they as thrilled as you are as you scroll through your Instagram feed over dinner?

Dr. Jess joins Global's The Morning Show to discuss the impact of technology on intimate relationships.

Have you ever heard of "nomophobia"? Chances are you have it, so you might want to watch the video below to find out...

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Dr. Jess talks vagina facts and sad songs on The Fearless Fred Show

press Dec 10, 2014

Dr. Jess at The Edge studioToday at 9:10a.m. EST, Dr. Jess took to the radio waves on 102.1 The Edge to explain how vaginas are like umbrellas, how long pubic hairs live for, and other interesting lady business facts. She also talked to Fred and Mel about sad songs and why we love them so much after a break up and even how they make us happy!

If you missed out, Dr. Jess will be on The Edge again next week at 9:10a.m. EST. Until then, you can catch up on what you missed today right here!


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Debunking the Myths and Enjoying The Magic of Lube with Dr. Jess

uncategorized Dec 09, 2014

Join Astroglide’s Resident Sexologist, Dr. Jess on Tuesday, December 9th at 3PM EST for an hour-long Twitter chat on one of her favorite topics -- the joys of using lube to increase sexual pleasure. Tweet with us from your Twitter account using hashtag #SexTalkTuesday, from or directly from the page. @SexWithDrJess and @Astroglide will answer questions, dispel myths and offer tips on how to take your sex life to intimate new levels of ecstasy.

About our hosts: 

Sex Talk Tuesday, a Twitter chat from the women of, is at the forefront of the sex positive movement. They’ve built a massive, loyal online community of forward-thinking people who seek a greater understanding of their own sexuality. With over 100 active participants during most discussions generating 1,000 tweets (and more than 7 Million impressions) per hour, Astroglide and Dr. Jess are thrilled to share this experience with Sex Talk Tuesday’s 800,000...

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VIDEO: Reducing Risk of Divorce

Why do some marriages last and others fail? What factors that decrease your risk of divorce? Dr. Jess discusses the latest research findings with the hosts of The Morning Show on Global TV. Click to watch the video below.

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Dr. Jess on Global TV's The Morning Show

What conversations make for a happy marriage? Dr. Jess shares her thoughts in the November issue of Post City Magazines and joins Global Television's The Morning Show team to offer additional tips on navigating these challenging conversations.

From money and sex to jealousy and the in-laws, we've got you covered. Check out the video below!

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Dr. Jess on The Fearless Fred Show

expert advice press Nov 26, 2014

Every Wednesday morning at 9am, I have the pleasure of hanging with Fred and Mel at 102.1 The Edge. They ask the tough questions about sex, relationships, marriage, intimacy and communication and I do my best to provide answers.

This morning, we discussed my latest piece for Post City Magazines: "The Marriage Saver: Dr. Jess lists six chats you need to have with your partner".

Listen using the player below.



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Erogenous Zones That Might Surprise You

expert advice Nov 12, 2014

If you’re looking for a quickie in the closet over the lunch hour, your go-to hot spots and techniques are probably your best bet. If, however, you want to prolong the pleasure and promote full-body orgasms that make you weak in the knees for days, it’s time to slow down and explore unchartered territory. Try teasing and tantalizing these surprising hot spots with your tongue, lips, breath and fingertips and allow the waves of delight to radiate throughout the entire body. Start with slow, feather-light touch and then increase the speed and pressure as the arousal builds.

Suprasternal Notch

This hot spot is located at the base of the neck at the centre of the collarbone. Not only is this tender notch sexy to look at, it can be hypersensitive to touch too. Kiss your way from the outer collarbones (also considered an erogenous zone for women) and breathe some gentle warm air over this indentation before twirling your tongue slowly around its perimeter.

The Sides Of The...

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Why do women like Anal Sex?

expert advice Nov 10, 2014

Our friend, Dr. Ruthie (Ruth Neustifter PhD) explores why women enjoy anal sex too! Watch the video below as she explains the anatomy of the anus, vagina and G-Spot.

Check out Dr. Ruthie's book, The Nice Girl's Guide to Talking Dirty. 


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Catch Dr. Jess on Global TV Wednesdays at 7:15am

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TedX Vancouver Interview with Global News

uncategorized Nov 04, 2014

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