In Support of the "Relfie"

Narcissistic Selfie Association

The steadily growing selfie trend has been criticized time and time again for denoting vanity and narcissism, as well as for its tendency towards posturing and inauthenticity. Because flattering angles, filters and editing tools are used liberally in selfie culture, some people view takers of selfies as “fake” and attention-seeking. In spite of society’s tireless tirade against the selfie, I will always be in full support of it for the reason that, in my opinion, there is nothing inherently wrong with seeking attention. You are indeed gorgeous and noteworthy and you should share your mug with the world if it makes you happy! Selfies have the power to build self-esteem, forge connections through social networking and express one’s individual style and identity. Besides, there are far worse evils in the world than taking a photo of you and your new outfit. Or your new sweetheart.

Your new sweetheart

The “relfie”, a term first coined in Science of Relationships,...

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