Women Stare at Breasts

New research out of the UK suggests that it is not only men who stare at women’s breasts. According to a survey by cosmetic surgery company, Transform, 90 percent of women also check out one another’s bosoms several times per day.According to The Sun, men are the “worst offenders.” Of the 1000 men questioned, nearly half admitted that they notice breasts before they look at a woman’s face and 40 percent claimed they sneak a peek a breasts at least ten times per day.Though Transform’s motivation for conducting the large-scale study of 1000 men and 2000 women may seem transparent, they did find that almost half of men think their partner’s breasts are beautiful and wouldn’t want them to change them in any way. Unfortunately, women reported lower levels of breast satisfaction with over half saying they are unhappy with their own set.

Pat Dunion, a spokesman for Transform, reports, "This research is a real insight into our attitude towards...

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An Orgasm a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Britain Champions The Sexual Rights of Teens

Orgasm Britain's National Health Service (NHS) is taking a new approach to sexual health education and highlighting the universal right to orgasms. A new leaflet entitled, "Pleasure" is being distributed to educators, youth service workers and parents to encourage the reframing of sex as a healthy part of human development and relationships.

The NHS educational campaign carries the slogan, "An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away" and addresses the rights of youth to enjoyable, healthy sex lives. It also recommends masturbation or sex as part of a healthy lifestyle alongside exercise and a balanced diet. A few of the well-documented health benefits of sex include reduced stress, pain and anxiety, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and improved immunity.

Though reactions to this controversial approach have been mixed, a celebration of sexuality alongside accurate information about safer sex just might address many of the sexual issues...

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Sex For Sale

sex news Jun 23, 2009

Steven Soderbergh's The Girlfriend Experience Is All Business

Sex is a commodity. It can be bought and sold like any other product and is subject to the complexities and volatilities of the free market economy. Steven Soderbergh's The Girlfriend Experience, explores the obvious relationship between sex and economic trade through a glimpse into a few days in the life of Chelsea, a high-end New York call girl.

Chelsea (played by porn-star Sasha Grey) is an independent business woman for whom sex is only one element of her trade. Though she does exchange sex for money, she spends the better part of her time branding herself with designer fashions, marketing her website with search-engine optimization, documenting her transactions and managing her finances according to the advice of her more connected clientele.

Those who know little about sex work often accuse workers of selling their bodies -- Chelsea sells an experience. Transactions with clients appear like any other movie-made date...

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Condom Credit Cards for Youth

Young men in Britain will now be able to pick up free condoms at barber shops and football fields as part of an initiative to reduce teen pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted infections. After attending an educational session on safer sex, they will receive plastic cards that can be used to collect condoms at convenient locations in which they already congregate like football fields and barber shops.

What a great initiative to get young men involved in both contraception and safer sex!

At a recent conference on HIV/Aids, researcher Dr. David Este reported on the benefits of HIV education programs that are accessible through previously-established community gathering places like salons and barber shops. While sexual health clinics are essential to promoting healthy sexuality, they can be intimidating (particularly for young men) and may not always be easily accessed due to location and limited hours of operation. Making condoms available in places that youth already...

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Same Sex Marriage

sex news May 26, 2009

This is a short post, but an important one.

The California Supreme Court upheld a ban on same-sex marriage earlier today as an affront on human rights. If you're interested in equality, sexual diversity and/or universal rights, please check out www.equalitymatters.org

The denial of marriage to same-sex couples has far reaching practical impacts including limitations on tax, family, property, health and employment rights. Equality Matters outlines 1138 federal rights and benefits refused to LGTBQ people by extension of the marriage ban and tells the stories of people who have been directly and tragically impacted by the denial of fundamental human rights.

Join the protests in the streets and online.



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Sex Seminars for Couples

sex news Apr 13, 2009

I have just returned from Desire Resort and Spa in Puerto Morelos Mexico and I'm overwhelmed by the success of the sexuality workshops and the participant feedback. My favourite session was definitely "A Tour of the Clitoris & Female Body" and I was incredibly impressed with the male attendees' dedication to exploring and pleasing their partners. Hooray!

In the upcoming days, I'll be delving into some of the content from the workshops and video blogging to demonstrate a few of the techniques we covered in the sunny south.

Until then, keep experimenting, sharing and practicing safer sex!

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Letā€™s talk about sex.

sex news Dec 14, 2008

This is our space to talk about sex and all of its exciting pleasures.

Sex is the life force and an integral part of healthy living and development. This blog will discuss issues of sexuality pertaining to relationships, health, pleasure, technique, politics and culture. As a sex researcher I’m constantly learning about the infinite ways in which sex enriches our lives and I look forward to sharing the stories of my growth as a sexologist.

Thanks for visiting.

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