The Psychology of Erectile Dysfunction Part 1

In my first post I introduced you to the fascinating field of sex science and how studying the brain might help explain some of the big why questions that everyone has about their sex life. What I’d like to do now is come up with some answers to these questions, starting with what most men describe as their biggest sex-related fear…erectile dysfunction.


For those of you who don’t identify as playing an “active” assertive role in sex, don’t exit the screen just yet, I promise you’ll be in the spotlight soon enough. But for now I’d like to focus on the penile partners. We’ve all been there, that moment when it seems like everything to do with sex is up except your penis. Or when you felt as though you were about to orgasm, but couldn’t climax regardless of how hard you focused. If any of these situations apply to you then you’re probably pretty…normal. That’s not to say that for some people...

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5 Scientific Signs of a Happy Relationship

If you’re looking for signs that your relationship is moving in the right direction, look no further. These science-based indicators can help you to assess your relationship health and potential for longevity.

1. They’re On Your Mind Even When You’re Apart

According to a 2007 survey, thinking about your significant other when you’re not together is a sign of a strong bond with your partner. Those who find it difficult to focus on other matters when thinking about their loved one report stronger feelings of love and connection. Apparently absence not only makes the heart grow fonder, but may also provide a barometer for assessing your relationship.

2. You Have More Fun Than Fights

Though fighting is inevitable in the happiest of relationships, if it dominates your interactions, it may be a sign that your relationship is in jeopardy. Researcher John Gottman suggests that there is an ideal ratio of 5:1 for positive versus negative interactions in terms of...

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The Psychology of Erectile Dysfunction Part 2

Continued from Part 1 here...


If you remember what I said about the male body’s complex balancing act, it’s no wonder that drugs can influence our sexual behaviour. Let’s start with prescription drugs, which include; medications to control high blood, antihistamines, pain medication, muscle relaxants, antiarrhythmic drugs, medications used to manage Parkinson’s and chemotherapeutic drugs.  Then we have the drugs that everyone knows and loves, i.e. psychotropics, which are chemical substances that change brain function and result in alterations in perception, mood, or consciousness. These include stimulants like amphetamine, cocaine, caffeine and nicotine, depressants like alcohol, barbiturates, benzodiazepines and heroin, hallucinogens such as marijuana and LSD, antidepressants, and antipsychotics. Each of these drugs acts on different neurochemical pathways in the brain that are important for sexual desire, performance and orgasm. Some these...

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Spice It Up In The Bedroom Tonight!

The challenge of keeping your relationship exciting and fulfilling is universal. Relationship and sex therapists report that reigniting the passion is one of the most common challenges their clients face despite the fact that few people discuss the struggle publicly.

When long-term couples struggle to "spice up the bedroom" it's often because they have stopped taking the time to make one another feel special by trying new, exciting and fun things -- in and out of the sack. It's easy to fall into patterns and feel like you've done everything under the sun, but there is always a new adventure or sexy activity you can try. Start by trying something simple like setting aside a few hours with your sweetie to reconnect. The process of spicing up the bedroom can be fun and help increase intimacy and connection with your partner. Check out the video below for more info!

Trying new things can have several positive benefits on your relationship including:

  • Releasing...
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Top Dating Tips To Help You Find LOVE!

Earlier this week, Jess hosted a Facebook Live broadcast in partnership with a cool new dating app, Zepeel. In the video below, she shares fun, practical and effective tips to make online dating more effective. Give it a watch and be sure to leave your top dating tips in the comments here.

Jess’ top tips summarized:

1. Creep your “competition”. Although fellow daters aren’t technically your competition, reading through profiles of similar daters (e.g. people of the same gender, age and region) will inspire you to craft a more effective profile. Questions to ask yourself: What do these profiles have in common? Do I want to avoid repetitive content (e.g. cliches)? What makes a profile stand out? How can I differentiate my profile?

2. Use your Twitter or Snap feed to populate your profile. It’s an accurate picture of your recent interests and activities. Share a few of your top tweets (without revealing your handle).

3. Ask your friends to write you a...

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How to Avoid Fighting While on Vacation

March Break is upon us which means that some of the busiest travel days of the year are just around the corner. And though vacations are supposed to be relaxing, many couples find that relationship strife spikes while they're on holiday. Jess joined Jeff McArthur to discuss the science of vacation fights and tips for enjoying a harmonious holiday. Watch The Global Morning Show segment replay below.

The Science of Vacation Fights:

  • In airports, cortisol levels spike due to the stress and some research suggests that the noise of airports alone is tied to elevated levels of the stress hormone.
  • When travelling, long lines and unpredictable wait times can exhaust your self-control “muscle”. You only have so much self-control and when this muscle becomes burnt out, you may not have any strength left for your partner.
  • Research suggests that 1/4 of travellers find airports as stressful as moving! One-quarter consider airport travel as stressful as work.
  • While on vacation,...
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Online Teacher Resource List in Human Development & Sexual Health

If you were at the #OHPEA2016 conference, thanks so much for coming out! Please find the resource list below and feel free to reach out with any questions. Happy teaching!

Lesson Plans
Sex & Ability: Differing Abilities, Physical Disabilities & Intellectual Disabilities


For Parents

Q&A Document (Ontario)
Q&A Document (Hard copy - Canada)
Parents’ group speaker: (Section for teachers, parents and students)

Catholic Resources:

Visual Inclusivity Resources (posters, stickers, etc.):


Feel free to download the complete handout here!

If you use a MAC and want access my #Ophea2016 presentation slides, click here. If you use Windows, find them...

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Do You Have a Pre-Date Ritual?

If you get pre -date jitters, you're not alone, so we've collected some practical suggestions from real-life daters.  Please feel free to share your own pre-date rituals in the comments below. We love to hear from you!


 Post By: Hootan Ghaffari 

Hootan is a 20 year old philosophy/literature student at the University of Toronto. He has an eye for the creative arts. 

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Tantra, Meditation, and Sex ā€“ Oh Yes!

A special thanks to Dr. Markie Twist for her insight on the study and discussion of meditative and tantric practices.

Brief History of Tantra


Tantric is used to refer to "sacred sexuality", and its origins are rooted in the East—India, specifically. What is known about Tantra today has been preserved through the works of the Kama Sutra and the Ananga Ranga. Tantra historically comprises two paths of training—Vara Marga (left-hand path), and Dakishna-Marga (right-hand path). The left-hand path includes a combination of sexual activity with yogic practices, whereas the right-hand path involves yogic practices without sexual activity. Tantra in Sanskrit means "integration"—meaning that the two paths work together and complement one another in practice.

Tantric practices became known in Western societies around the 1960s and have become increasingly popular since. The term often used in Western contexts is “Tantric sex”. Much of...

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How to Talk About Sex!


Excerpted from Dr. Jess' book Hot Sex: Tips, Tricks and Licks

Oral sex isn’t always about getting on your knees and puckering up. Some of the best oral sex (think long-term payoff) can be taken care of standing up or sitting at the dinner table—through real, honest communication. Getting oral with your partner is probably the most important thing you can do to cultivate a red-hot sexual relationship. So start talking!

It may not be easy to do, but the more you practice the easier it gets. If a topic is awkward, use these four tips to get started:

Talk when the time is right. Initiating a serious conversation about sex right before you’re about to get hot and heavy isn’t always an ideal. you’re more likely to rush through the discussion if you’re goal is really to get down to business. So set some time aside when sex is off the table: Start talking about sex while you’re out for coffee,...

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