E is for Erogenous Zones, Erection, Eiffel Tower and Ecdemolagnia

Erogenous Zones

Erogenous Zones are sensitive areas of the body that may produce a sexual response when stimulated. Though the obvious erogenous zones include the breasts, nipples, anus, perineum, testicles, penis (really?) and the vulva, the whole body has the potential to be one big super-awesome erogenous zone. Here are a few other erogenous areas that may spark your interest:

1. The inner bend of the elbow where the forearm meets the upper arm. Play with this crease gently and see how your partner responds.

2. The Philthrum – this is the little indentation between the upper lip and the nose. Try playing with your partner’s philthrum with your lips, tongue and breath while kissing. Or you can get creative and stimulate the philthrum during oral sex play.

3. The Collarbone – in my Erogenous Exploration workshops, this is the body part to which women seem to respond most favourably and with the greatest surprise.


An Erection is part of a physiological...

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