Couples Exercise Bootcamps

Why not do something healthy with the one you love? Doing high intensity training like we do in Urban Warrior also boosts testosterone levels.

“A revved up sex drive may also occur from other sympathetic hormones like epinephrine (adrenalin) that make a person more energized, or even opioids like beta-endorphins that can produce a “feel-good” effect. Or it may be that the psychological self-confidence that you get from being physically fit, accomplishing fitness goals (exercising on a regular basis, for example) or simply losing weight boosts your self-esteem and helps you to feel sexier”.

Exercise together and there’s a good chance your sex life is going to rock (good selling point for the boys or randy chicas out there). Don’t be afraid to use this fact to coerce your partners into getting fit with you.

Most couple’s boot camps are about fast food style relationship overhaul, lots of talking and expressing emotions. Here’s a link to...

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