Top Dirty Talk Lines: What Men & Women Really Want to Hear in Bed

Over the years, I’ve written a great deal about dirty talk. From general guidelines to hot phrases you can use to rile your lover up, dirty talk is one of my favourite topics to cover...and put into practice.

In several of my workshops (including Steamy Sex for Couples and Rock his/her World) I ask participants to share what they want to hear in bed via secret ballot. Each person writes down a few things they’d like their lover to say in the heat of the moment and we read them aloud as a group without identifying the source.

The following is an unscientific summary of the most popular lines I’ve collected from thousands of workshop participants.

What men say they want to hear:

“I’m coming!” This line comes up multiple times in every workshop without exception.

“Your penis/cock/dick/wiener is so big.” Yes -- someone actually wrote “wiener”.

“You make me so wet.” More on this here

“You’re the best...

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