3 Surprisingly Healthy Relationship Habits

expert advice May 28, 2018

When it comes to relationships, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. What works for you may not work for your sister, neighbours, parents or best friend. However, we have tendency to judge other people's relationships based on our own experiences, which are neither universally applicable nor rooted in science or expertise. So as as you review these three habits that are healthy for many couples, bear in mind that they may or may not work for you and your partner, so you need to deliberate, discuss and experiment with various approaches to find the right fit.

Without further ado, here are three relationship habits that are often labelled as toxic, but can be healthy in many relationships:


Sharing passwords.

Some people believe that sharing account passwords is a sign that trust is lacking and others suggest that it will inevitably lead to checking up on each other. I believe the opposite is true: sharing your passwords to social media accounts demonstrates that you trust...

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6 Simple Sex Tips - No Fluff

expert advice May 14, 2018

There are many ways to seduce your partner and eroticize your relationship, but sometimes a few simple changes can do the trick. This list will definitely entice you to skip dinner and go straight to bed. Check it out!

Use lots of lube and feather-light touch! Your dextrous fingers will feel just like a tongue if you slather them in lube and stroke with barely-there pressure. If you have trouble controlling yourself, use only the backs of your fingers. Since you have ten fingers, you can simulate “licking” with more than one tongue at once all over your lover’s hottest parts to rile them into a frenzy! My favourite is Astroglide’s Ultra Gentle Gel which is perfect for stroking, licking, teasing and grinding alike.

Take out the We-Vibe Pivot for a test-drive. This powerhouse vibrating ring is unlike any other I’ve ever tried. Its texture is silky soft and you can adjust it to vibe against various hot spots according to your preference.


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Masturbation Advice For An Improved Sex Life

expert advice May 07, 2018

Masturbation is good for your sex life whether you're single or coupled. It’s the prime opportunity to learn about your own body without the pressure to perform or meet another person’s needs. And once you know what you like in bed, you can train a partner (or two or three!) to be a part of the process.

Treat self-pleasure as you would with partnered sex and experiment. We tend to masturbate using the same technique, in the same location and in the same position over and over again; changing things up can help you to discover new likes and dislikes. Try a new position, a new toy or a new approach to see if you learn something surprising about your body’s unique sexual response.


Pay attention to your breath. Are you holding it? Experiment with a range of breathing patterns (e.g. short and shallow, deep and slow) to see how your sexual response changes.

Let your sounds emanate freely. Don’t hold back. When we watch porn, we often see and hear...

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60 Seconds To A Better Relationship: Favours

expert advice Apr 30, 2018

Expressing how you feel to make your lover feel important does not have to involve grand gestures. In fact, sometimes it is the little things (and the practical ones) that make the biggest impressions and keep the spark alive. Make a habit of performing simple favours that take less than a minute on a regular basis using this list as inspiration:

  • Iron/steam a shirt
  • Pick up your lover’s favourite dessert
  • Warm up a towel in the dryer while they’re in the shower
  • Draw a bath
  • Pack a lunch
  • Pick up wine or beer
  • Fold their laundry
  • Purchase staples (shampoo, soap, shaving cream etc.) that they would usually pick up themselves
  • Brew coffee in the morning
  • Plug in their phone or laptop overnight
  • Rub their feet
  • Light candles to help them relax
  • Pick up their dry cleaning
  • Take their car to the carwash
  • Pour them a drink/fetch them a beer
  • Shine their shoes
  • Order take-out/bring home dinner
  • Carve a grapefruit, chop an apple or prepare their favourite fruit
  • Warm up the bed
  • Set their alarm
  • ...
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How To Boost Your Sexual Self-Esteem

expert advice Apr 23, 2018

In a world consumed by exaggerated notions of beauty, sexual self-esteem is often associated with physical appearance and learning a few signature moves. But being confident in bed isn’t about looking good naked or twisting two-thirds to the left at a medium pace. Sexual confidence is about feeling comfortable with yourself, so take a look at these strategies to feel better from the inside-out:

Accept that you have lots to learn. We all do!

Nothing holds us back in the sack more than the erroneous belief that we’re natural born lovers. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Since each person has a unique set of wants, needs, and limitations, every new lover presents a fresh course in sex.

If you sometimes wonder what to do to seduce your lover, rev their engine or keep them coming, you’re perfectly normal. Don’t be discouraged if you feel you have lots to learn. As a sexologist, I’ve spent the last eighteen years studying sex and I’ve only...

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What You Need to Know About the 'Bi-Cycle'

expert advice Apr 09, 2018

Have you heard of the 'bi-cycle'? By definition, the 'bi-cycle' means when people (not just bisexual people) find that their sexual preferences change from day to day or even minute to minute. It’s perfectly normal for your sexual desires to fluctuate throughout the month, but also over the long term. What you enjoy today is different than what you wanted five years ago and this is what keeps sex so exciting.

Many cis and trans women report that it’s not only their sex drive that fluctuates with their menstrual cycles (as reported in earlier research with regard to ovulation and sexual interest) but also their specific sexual desires and fantasies.

For example, many of the women I work with who are in CNM (consensually non-monogamous) relationships report that their interest and comfort with the CNM component of their relationship dips right before menstruation. This could be attributed to hormonal, but also to shifts in mood, energy levels and body image...

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Use The Three F's For Effective Communication With Your Partner

expert advice Apr 02, 2018

Communication is everything when it comes to a relationship. It's important that you and your partner are completely honest with each other, and aren't afraid to express your feelings to one another. I suggest that all couples talk about the Three Fs: feelings, frequency, and fantasy. These F-words serve as stepping stones for effective communication with your spouse.


Frequency: How often do you want to have sex? How often do you think your partner wants to have sex? It’s likely that you think you know how often your partner wants it, but most people tend to misread their partner’s desire. If you want sex less often than your partner does, it’s likely that you overestimate how often they want it; if you want sex more often than your partner does, it’s likely that you underestimate how often they want it. So…you need to formalize the conversation! Write it down on a piece of paper: how often do you want it? how often do you think your partner wants it?...

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Online Dating Tips & Stats

expert advice Mar 26, 2018

Are you dating online? The infographic below reveals what BedBible's Match research tells us about online daters -- from average age to top pet peeves. Jess also shares a few of her tips for online dating below the graphic.

Match.com Dating Infographic (1)

Source: https://bedbible.com/match-com-statistics/

Here are a few tips for successful online dating:

1. Creep your “competition”. Although fellow daters aren’t technically your competition, reading through profiles of similar daters (e.g. people of the same gender, age, and region) will inspire you to craft a more effective profile. Questions to ask yourself: What do these profiles have in common? Do I want to avoid repetitive content (e.g. cliches)? What makes a profile stand out? How can I differentiate my profile?

2. Use your Twitter or Snap feed to populate your profile. It’s an accurate picture of your recent interests and activities. Share a few of your top tweets (without revealing your handle).

3. Ask your friends ...

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How to Talk About Sex in 3 Steps

expert advice Mar 12, 2018

Talking about sex isn’t easy, but it is well worth it to improve intimacy, develop a connection and heighten pleasure. Here are 3 steps to talking about sex with success:

Step 1: Be positive and begin with the easier conversations


Start by talking about what is already working and, offer compliments on those successes. This part of the ongoing sex talk may suffice for the very first discussion. You don’t have to move from “You’re a great kisser…” to “…but you don’t go down on me enough” in one breath. Sometimes it’s best to practice talking about sex by emphasizing the positive elements first. As you both become more comfortable with the topic (which takes time), then you can move into specific critiques. Here are a few lines to get you started:

“I love when you…”

“One thing that I really like is…”

“You’re the best at…”

“Do you remember...

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11 Ways to Boost Self Confidence Today!

expert advice Feb 22, 2018

Confidence is sexy and powerful. In fact, research shows that confidence is as important as competence in achieving success and building relationships. In the workplace, confidence helps managers to garner support, cultivate trust and achieve results — even when they lack competence in management skills. And in the mating game, confidence is equally important with confident daters consistently ranked as the most attractive both physically and behaviourally.

But confidence isn’t static or inherent — it is fluid and can be cultivated through daily habits that help to shape the way you think and behave. You can build confidence in a variety of ways including these eleven simple tips that you can implement today:

1. Write down the compliments you receive. Most of us brush off compliments without a second thought and in doing so, we overlook valuable opportunities to boost confidence and expand our send of self. The next time someone pays you a compliment, take a moment...

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