How to Touch a Woman: Part 2

In Part I of this series, we left off between the legs after a slow full-body caress and tease. Now we'll explore a few more approaches to sensuous touch to build up tension and intensify orgasmic response. Be reminded that this is not a perfect recipe for success, as every woman is unique. Some will enjoy manual stimulation of the vulva, while others prefer a hands-off approach. The only way to know for sure is to ask. The following is intended as inspiration, not instruction.

Some thoughts on how to touch between her legs:

* Lube up your fingers on your dominant hand and make a W-shape with your index, middle and ring fingers. Place the "W" against the top of her vulva and draw your hand down toward the bottom of her vulva by her perineum. As you pull them down, draw them in toward one another so that you no longer have a "W", but a flat palm and straight fingers. You can then move your palm back up to the top of the vulva (toward the pubic mound) and reopen your fingers into a...

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