How to Manage Jealousy -- Advice from a Swinger

Whether you are a swinger, monogamist, polyamorist, or you are simply living sexy, chances are you will have to deal with jealousy in your relationship. Dr Jess and Michael of Playboy TV and Playboy Radio's SWING sit down to discuss how to best manage this inevitable jealousy.

Here are some expert tips:

1. If someone admires your significant other, that's a compliment to you. Jealousy and insecurity are very normal feelings but they aren't necessarily positive. It is best to think of someone else's admiration for your partner as a compliment. This reinforces a much more positive perspective than feeling jealous or insecure about it.

2. Different is good. If your polyamorous partner chooses to enjoy an experience with another woman or man, it does not mean it is necessarily better than your relationship, but rather that it is different. As a couple, it is best not to think of yourselves as two individuals, but rather as single unit. A good variety of sexual experiences is healthy for...

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