Toronto Sex Show Recap

Dr. Jess had a blast at Toronto's Everything to do with Sex Show this year. From boys on poles to girls in body paint, it was certainly a weekend to remember. Dr. Jess' workshops were so full, people were lining up outside the entrance just to hear some of the oral sex tips featured in her best-selling book Hot Sex Tips, Tricks & Licks. Here's a recap of the excitement from this year's event. Toronto Sex Show

Dr. Jess presenting to a packed house! Best Dressed at the Toronto Sex Show

The two best dressed ladies at Toronto's Everything to do with Sex Show Holly Wolf and Dr. Jess

Holly Wolf and Dr. Jess Quiver Books winner Alicia

Quiver Books winner, Alicia! Packed house at the Toronto Sex Show

Packed house for Dr. Jess' couples' workshop presented by Playboy TV (©Liam Kavanagh-Bradette) Another quiver books winner

Another Quiver Books winner! Christine Kelly and Dr. Jess Dr. Jess signing

Dr. Jess signing books for her fans. (©Liam Kavanagh-Bradette) Dr. Jess and Lea Dr. Jess and Lea from Oasis Aqualounge Marie Roberge Pellerin Dr. Jess and Marie Roberge Pellerin Dr. Jess with fans Dr. Jess takes a photo with fans of Playboy TV's SWING Dr. Jess and Keren Keren is very excited about picking up Hot Sex Tips, Tricks and...

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