What Do Your Sexual Fantasies Mean?

Continued from the previous post...

Feel out their responses to understand their mental trigger points and build on them. If your partner loves to hear about sex in exotic/public places, keep changing the scenarios to add variety. Tie in real-life elements (sex in the workplace or in the car) to make it seem attainable and further entrench their interest. And if your fantasies are highly divergent (they like sex in public places and you just love the chill of handcuffs) combine your fantasies to create a new script (sex in the park with the pigeons watching while you’re tied up to the bench). Talking about or envisioning an ultimate scenario, partner, body part or other fantasy object right before climax can enhance your body’s response and intensify your orgasmic experience.


And don’t worry about stretching the truth a little. In a committed relationship with open communication, telling your partner that you’d love to see your boss go down on her doesn’t mean you need to explore this in reality. In fact, you should discuss these things before and after sex to confirm the fantasy status, express concerns and offer reassurances as needed. Proceed with caution when discussing sensitive issues or those that could arouse jealousy and be mindful of your partners’ insecurities. For those having un-partnered sex, you’re the lucky ones, because you don’t have to worry about anyone but yourself.

Talking during sex may seem foreign to some and is essential to others. To get used to it, consider starting with a few short phrases that highlight how damn good it feels. Compliments will take you a long way and your partners won’t complain that you’re talking too much if you’re stroking their egos while stroking their…

Fantasy is not cheating and it’s not realistic to assume that your partners will be the only objects of your sexual interest from now until eternity. We are sexual beings and a wide range of sexual thoughts are natural. So take advantage of them and enjoy your wandering minds.

I don’t think there is a single physical “move” or “technique” that can compare with the power of sexy thought and sexy talk. And just like our physical tastes, fantasies vary widely, so you’ll have to experiment to find your own and those of your partners. Luckily, these desires are constantly undergoing change, so the potential for mind-blowing sex is infinite and should never get boring.

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