Are More Women Willing to Pay for Sex?

Soldier running in water

Apparently there is a market for it in New Zealand...

Plans for a new brothel staffed by male sex workers are underway guided by ex-politician, Pam Corkery.

Many people ask whether enough women need to pay for sex in order for the female brothel to survive. But paying for sex is often more about options than necessity. Many people who choose to pay for sex do not need to pay for sex, but opt to do so.

Take Don Draper for example. Apparently reactions to the new Mad Men season include the criticism that sexy and philandering Draper is just too hot and powerful to pay for sex. As Cory Silverberg points out, Draper and his real-life counterparts don't necessarily need to pay for it, but choose to do so despite having many other sexual options.

It will be interesting to see how the story unfolds in New Zealand...

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Sex for Sale

Steven Soderbergh's The Girlfriend Experience Is All Business

Sex is a commodity. It can be bought and sold like any other product and is subject to the complexities and volatilities of the free market economy. Steven Soderbergh's The Girlfriend Experience, explores the obvious relationship between sex and economic trade through a glimpse into a few days in the life of Chelsea, a high-end New York call girl.

Chelsea (played by porn-star Sasha Grey) is an independent businesswoman for whom sex is only one element of her trade. Though she does exchange sex for money, she spends the better part of her time branding herself with designer fashions, marketing her website with search-engine optimization, documenting her transactions and managing her finances according to the advice of her more connected clientele.


Those who know little about sex work often accuse workers of selling their bodies -- Chelsea sells an experience. Transactions with...

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