Have You Heard of the Mona Lisa Touch?

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting with Dr. Fay Weisberg, a Toronto-based gynaecologist, who has recently introduced new technology that piqued my interest. I don't have a background in medicine, so I asked her to explain a bit more about the Mona Lisa Touch treatment:

What inspired you to start the FemRenew clinic?

In my years as a gynaecologist, I have come to realize that many women have real issues with their vaginal health,  whether it be pain, dryness, mild incontinence, burning or all of the above.  I have also realized that many women are either embarrassed about these symptoms or have their questions passed over and not answered.  As a result, I have become very sympathetic to these patients, and have made it my mission to help women obtain excellent vaginal health - as it does make a very big difference in their quality of life.  My FemRenew clinic is a forum for me to provide this service.

How does it work?

The Mona Lisa Touch is...

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