Adults-Only, Clothing-Optional Resort FAQ Part 2

expert advice q & a Oct 30, 2015

Continued from Part 1 here...

FAQ: What should men do if they get an erection? "I cover up with a T shirt when tanning and yes it has happened to me. Its not acceptable to touch yourself so "down boy". However it's a consequence of being surrounded by beautiful people so it might give rise to an opportunity for you & your partner to go fool around." - Brian & Kath, Vancouver "Depends on how you got the erection, if it is for the right reasons, use it!! Otherwise, just excuse yourself discreetly. I don’t really think an erection will offend anyone!" - Jesse & Jenny, Mercersburg "Nothing to worry about! It happens to the best of us, and it is nothing to be embarrassed about. We recommend that you just roll over on your stomach for a while, or cover up with a towel until the “situation” subsides." - Desire Resorts

FAQ: Will we be encouraged to swing? "No, not at all. People are not pushy at all. Especially if they understand the lifestyle." - Brent &...

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Whatโ€™s the Most Important Thing You Can Say to Your Spouse?

Today on The Global Morning Show, Jess, Liza and Jeff discuss the role of gratitude in maintaining happy, harmonious relationships. A recent study suggests that simply saying “thank you” can create a relationship safety net to ward off divorce during times of distress. Another study examines “ambivalent” marriages and the toll they might take on couples’ cardiovascular health. Jess shares strategies for improving your relationship through simple gratitude practices that take less than 30 seconds per day.


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Up Close and Personal With The Semenette

expert advice press Oct 22, 2015

Last month, I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at the Sexual Health Expo with Astroglide in New York City. I had a blast all weekend long and ran into old friends from Desire Resorts, The Pleasure Chest NYC and We-Vibe to name a few. I also had the pleasure of meeting a host of new folks including Stephanie Berman, President of Berman Innovations, LLC and creator of The Semenette. I was so excited to learn more about their new product and am pleased to feature an interview with Stephanie below. Please check it out!

What inspired you to create this product?

In the past, in my personal life, I have had relationships with both men and women. Having experienced intimacy with both "sides," I have a keen understanding of the differences between what heterosexual couples and same-sex couples can do and experience in the privacy of their bedroom. My inspiration in designing and developing The Semenette® was to afford same-sex couples the opportunity to mimic the...

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Sex Over Survival

On this morning's episode of Global TV's The Morning Show, Jess discusses male sexual instincts with Liza and Jeff in reference a study involving worms who instinctively choose sex over survival. Check out the full segment below and be sure to catch Jess every Tuesday morning on The Global Morning Show!


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Sexual Arousal May Lead To Risky Business

This morning on GlobalTV's The Morning Show with Liza and Jeff, Jess talks about sexual arousal and risk-taking going hand in hand. Sexual arousal can lead to making choices that are more bold and daring. She also discusses the benefits of candlelight in comparison to LED lights. The blue light emitted by electronic devices  significantly decreases melatonin activity in your brain and surprisingly, your metabolism! Check out the video below and be sure to catch Jess everyday Tuesday Morning at 8am on Global TV!

Looking for the original article by Justin Lehmiller? Click here. 


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Are Rates of STIs Higher for Monogamous or Non-Monogamous Couples?

This week on Global TV's The Morning Show, Jess talks about STIs in monogamous relationships. She also reveals four ways to be happy according to neuroscience. Check out the video below and be sure to catch Jess everyday Tuesday Morning at 8am on Global TV!


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Couples Who Work Together Stay Together

On this morning's Global Morning Show, Jess discusses couples who work together. You've probably heard that tall tale about couples who work together and play together never working out. Studies show that couples who work together have higher productivity levels in the workplace and are more understanding of one another's responsibilities. Jess also examines trends in modern day relationships compared to relationship values bestowed 30 years ago. Be sure to catch Jess everyday Tuesday morning at 8am! View full video below...


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Are Men Less Attracted to Smart Women?

Jess sits down with Liza and Jeff and looks at a recent study suggesting that men are less attracted to intelligent women. She examines reasons why men might feel this way and how to overcome these feelings. Remember to catch Jess everyday Tuesday morning at 8am on the Global Morning Show! Check out the full video below...


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Jess Chats Roommates with Fred & Mel on 102.1 The Edge

press Sep 09, 2015

Jess joins Fred and Mel every Wednesday morning at 7:40am, so be sure to tune into 102.1 The Edge!

This week, they discuss the rules of sex and relationships for those living with roommates. Some of Jess' top tips include:

1. Keep the noise to a minimum. This means that moans, groans and dirty talk should be kept to a reasonable level. Depending on the size of your place and the location of your bed, you may not be able to muffle every little sound, but putting your face in the pillow, playing music and/or investing in a good quality gag should ensure that your roomies aren't privy to your every fantasy.

2. Talk about nudity rules. If your name is on a lease, you have a say in the rules of your household. I love nudity, but not everyone does, so keep your lover(s) informed of the nudity rules before they wander into the hallway in their birthday suit.

3. Don't expect to have many in-house date nights with a lover if their name isn't on the lease....

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How friends Affect Your GPA & How Testosterone Affects Communication

Jess joined Liza and Jeff this morning to discuss this week's top sex and relationship headlines including the following stories:

1. Testosterone linked to better listening skills

2. Friendships with opposite-sex peers correlated with lower GPAs

3. Eating before a date may make you more open to romance

She refutes some of the headlines and offers her expert interpretation of these recently released findings in the video below. Check it out!


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