VIDEO: How does your hometown affect your chances of marriage?

Jess joins Liza and Jeff every Tuesday on GlobalTV's The Morning Show to discuss the latest research related to love, sex and relationships. This week, they discuss research related to gender equality in hunter-gatherer societies and Jess underscores that equality was an evolutionary/survival imperative. They also explore the results of study that examined the connection between your hometown and your odds of getting married by the age of thirty.

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Is Today's Hook-Up Culture All Talk?

Is the millennial generation's hook up culture really just a myth? Jess compares sex, relationships, acceptance and openness between today's older and younger generations. With today's youth, paranoia isn't such a bad thing. It's better to be safe than sorry. Catch all of this and more in the video below and tune in with Jess every Tuesday morning to Global TV's The Morning Show.

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VIDEO: Tiger & Lindsey Break Up. How Can Busy Couples Make It Work?

In light of Woods and Vonn's breakup, Jess shares specific tips for maintaining a happy relationships despite our hectic lifestyles. Check out the video or read through the quick summary below.

Tips for busy couples:

1. Say "no" to social and professional commitments when you can. Ask yourself if commitments and their expected outcomes will matter to you when you're 88 years old. If not, say "no" and divert the time toward the person (or people) who will matter at the age of 88.

2. Block off time to be alone and be sure to write it down in your agendas. Some of the busiest couples in the world schedule one weekend alone per month 6 months in advance without exception. You can do it too. If they run into conflicts (e.g. weddings), they pull out their agendas and reschedule to ensure that 12 weekends per year are reserved for one another.

3. Travel together for business once in awhile. Add one day to your business trip for pleasure.

4. Learn to "speak" one another's Love Languages so...

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Managing Money in Your Marriage

Jess sits down with The Morning Show crew on Global Television and shares insights and advice on dealing with money issues in relationships.

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Can we learn anything from TV couples?

As she does each and every Tuesday, Dr. Jess joins Liza, Rosey, Chris and Liam to chat about this week's hot relationship, love and dating topics. This week, we discuss Mad Men, House of Cards, The Mindy Project and what we can learn from on-screen couples.



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How Often Do Happy Married Couples Have Sex?

A new study suggests that there is a magic number in terms of sexual frequency in order to maintain a happy marriage. Jess weighs in on this topic on Global TV's The Morning Show. Watch the video below and catch her every week on air on Tuesdays at 7:20am.

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What your Facebook says about your relationship

Dr. Jess on The Morning Show 

Dr. Jess visited The Morning Show as she does every Wednesday morning, to discuss a recent study about what your Facebook says about your relationship, as well as the “ideal” man/woman.

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Dr. Jess returns to The Night Side

expert advice press Feb 18, 2015

In Depth Radio, Newstalk 1010 

Dr. Jess joined Barb Di Giulio, host of The Night Side on NEWSTALK 1010, to answer callers questions about sex and relationships.

Listen to Dr. Jess talk about size, anal, and body types!

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Sex Q & A on The Night Side

press Feb 10, 2015

Barb Di Giulio from NEWSTALK 1010 and host of The Night Side invited Dr. Jess into the studio to answer callers' questions on sex and relationships.


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An alternative to Valentine's Day in Post City Magazine

press Feb 10, 2015

Dr. Jess writes monthly for Post City Magazine. This month, as a sexologist, it only seemed appropriate to discuss Valentine's Day.

Jess takes a personal twist in her article and discusses why she doesn't celebrate the holiday.

An excerpt from Jess's article in Post City magazine

Read the full article here

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