Jealousy and Sexless Marriage on 102.1 The Edge

press Jan 14, 2015

We all get jealous, it's incredibly natural – especially with our partners! But what makes us tick? What is it that turns us green with envy?

Dr. Jess visits The Fearless Fred Show as she does every Wednesday at 9:10a.m. (EST). on 102.1 The Edge, to discuss the complexity of jealousy in relationships and also the dynamic of a sexless marriage.

Jealousy is a perfectly natural and human function, however dealing with our jealousy and understanding our own – not to mention others' – is not as effortless. Dr. Jess sits down with Fred and Mel to talk about what jealousy means and how it unfolds in relationships, particularly when it comes to cheating.

Dr. Jess also explores sexless marriages as a cause of cheating and what can be done to prevent a marriage from losing its spark. Sex is a fundamental part of relationships and Dr. Jess provides tips to keep the flame alive.

If you want to listen to more of Dr. Jess on The Edge, check our her latest visit, and follow @SexWithDrJess to be the first to receive her expert advice!



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