Holiday Guide to Happy Relationships - 10 Simple Tips

Whether you’re single, datingmarried or divorced, the holidays are supposed to be a time to celebrate with the ones you love. However, it is not uncommon for the stress of the busy season to take a toll on your relationships. The pressure of buying gifts, entertaining and balancing family responsibilities can turn the cheeriest elf into one miserable scrooge. Don’t let holiday stress destroy the relationship you’ve worked so hard on all year long!

Read through these top tips for maintaining happy, healthy relationships during the festive season:

Share the Love

Money can buy you long as you’re giving it away. Research shows that spending on others, volunteering, and supporting charities can actually improve your well-being and boost your happiness. What a perfect win-win scenario!

Choose your favourite charity and collaborate with loved ones to donate a few hours or dollars to brighten the holiday season for those in need. Banding...

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Study Says Vibrators Are Good For Men’s Sex Lives

jess' articles Nov 08, 2017

A study conducted by the Center For Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University’s School of Health reveals that nearly 45 percent of men and 52.5 percent of women have used vibrators for sexual pleasure.

For men, there was no statistical difference between vibrator use rates according to sexual orientation. Those men who identified as heterosexual, gay and bisexual were equally likely to report having used vibrators. Among heterosexual male users, 91 percent indicated that they had engaged in vibrator use during sexual intercourse or foreplay with a female partner.

The benefits of vibrators for men include higher reported rates of sexual functioning and sexual health care. Those men who reported vibrator use also rated their erectile function, intercourse satisfaction, orgasmic function and sexual desire as higher and were more likely to have performed a testicular self-exam.


The study, published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, addressed a nationally...

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Do the rich have better sex? Dr. Jess in Post City Magazines

jess' articles May 28, 2015

Every month, Jess contributes to Post City Magazines, an independently owned Toronto-based publisher of seven magazines that are distributed monthly  in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area. This month, she addresses the sticky subjects of sex and money.

Click on the image below to find out how often the average couple has sex and learn more about how their bank account plays a role in the bedroom. Full story available here.

jess 3col june15

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