How to Have an Orgasm!

expert advice Dec 30, 2019

Hot sex and earth-shattering orgasms don't always come naturally - you have to work for them and do a bit of learning along the way. Consider these approaches to increasing your odds of orgasm and remember that you don’t have to have an orgasm to have passionate and fulfilling sex:

Fantasize! Sexual response originates in the brain, so even if your body is getting what it needs, you have to feed your mind too or orgasm may elude you. It's not cheating to dream about Brad Pitt, Eva Longoria or the hot barista from the local coffee shop. In fact, if it turns you on and you eventually share your fantasies with your lover, it can deepen your connection.

Let your mind wander without inhibition. Who knows!? You might be a part of the estimated one percent who can have hands-free orgasms from fantasy alone!

Change positions. We all know that two-thirds of folks with vaginas do not orgasm from penetration alone, so shift into positions that allow you to rub, grind and rock to your...

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Sexuality Superheroes: Todd Baratz

expert advice Dec 23, 2019

Meet this week's Sexuality Superhero, Todd Baratz. Todd is a NYC-based psychotherapist, shaping his client into their best sexual selves. Read his feature below and learn more about Todd!

How did you find yourself working in sexuality?

When I was 15 I started to see a psychiatrist who was also a sex therapist. He later has turned into a huge mentor and influence on my professional work. At the beginning of our relationship, he helped me develop language and comfort with my sexuality. He gave me the tools I needed to turn something that scared me--being gay and sexual--into something empowering. I found this to be incredibly helpful considering absolutely NO ONE else was talking about sex or expressing curiosity. The experiences I had in my own personal therapy shaped my intellectual pursuit of sexual education in my undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate training.

What is the best part of the job?

My favorite part of what I do is the relationships I build with my clients....

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Sexuality Superheroes: Bethany Killen

expert advice Dec 16, 2019

Bethany's mission is dedicated to reducing the stigma surrounding Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), and helping those who live with the condition. She aims to empower those living with DID, as well as those living with trauma, mental illness, and grief. Because of Bethany's amazing work, she is the perfect person to feature as this week's Sexuality Superhero. 

How did you find yourself working in sexuality?

In 2014, I was sexually assaulted. Without going into too much detail, I had been diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) the year prior, and my alters (Zache, Heinrich and Shoshanna) did what they were supposed to do – protect me. I reported the assault to the police, who investigated and charged my rapist. The police and the courts believed me, but I found myself without an advocate as social services did not. Their disbelief was more to do with my diagnosis than anything else. A forensic sex therapist offered her services pro bono when my...

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Sexuality Superheroes: Renelle E. Nelson

expert advice Dec 09, 2019

Meet this week's Sexuality Superhero, Renelle E. Nelson! As an infidelity and intimacy recovery strategist, Renelle is dedicated to helping couples reconnect over betrayal and other related traumas. Schedule your consultation today, or check out Renelle's online courses. But first, read her feature below.

How did you find yourself working in sexuality?

I found myself working in sexuality first when I was studying to be a licensed marriage and family therapist, and took a Sexuality class. It was so intriguing and I excelled in the class. My teacher pulled me to the side and invited me to look more in the field of Sexuality. She mentioned there were few women (African-American) in the field. It all made sense, when I was exploring my own sexuality I had so many questions but no one wanted to or had the education to assist me. So in all, I became who I am, and who the field needed.

What is the best part of the job?

The best part of my job is assisting women who felt they were...

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Holiday Gifts To Cater To Your Partnerā€™s Love Language

expert advice Dec 02, 2019

Gary Chapman’s bestseller, The 5 Love Languages, suggests that each of us has a primary love language — words of affirmation, receiving gifts, acts of service, quality time or physical touch — and to improve emotional communication and connection, we need to learn to speak our partner’s language.

With the holidays upon us, understanding and catering to your partner’s love language can make gift-giving easier and more meaningful, so I’ve put together a brief gift guide for each of the love languages.

If your partner values words of affirmation, be sure to write a personalized card and consider a DIY gift. Last year, Rosedale resident Bruce made his wife a book of memories with photos and loving commentary from over thirty friends and family members. It’s no wonder they’ve been happily married for 37 years! If you didn’t plan ahead (Bruce’s book took four weeks to complete), consider the 21st century digital...

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Sexuality Superheroes: Linnea Marie

expert advice Nov 18, 2019

Say hello to this week's Sexuality Superhero, Linnea Marie! Linnea is a sex educator, speaker and reviewer of sex toys. She is based in the Pittsburgh area, but that doesn't stop her from spreading her sexual health knowledge about fellatio and female orgasm across North America! Get to know Linnea a little better by checking out her profile below.

How did you find yourself working in sexuality?

I was always that friend everyone went to for sex advice. I wasn't afraid to talk about it nor engage in the fun activities. I took Human Sexuality and Psychology courses in college, which really sparked my interest. It was during that time that I also experienced my first orgasm [my "ah ha" moment]! I was beyond upset that no one told me about that pleasure, so I decided to make it a mission to spread an educational awareness by talking about orgasms and other related topics. In 2011, I started selling sex toys and hosting private parties. I had a thirst for more knowledge so I...

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Foods for Prostate Health

We are celebrating Movember we want to help you to be the healthiest version of yourself possible - prostate and all! You already know that diet, exercise and sleep impact your overall health, vitality and sex drive, so I sat down with New York Times Bestselling author, Dr. Natasha Turner ND, founder of Clear Medicine Wellness Boutique, to address specific tips for prostate health.

Dr. Turner, who founded the 5-Week Plan To Reset Your Health and Hormones emphasizes that research related to the hormonal regulation of the prostate has primarily focused on androgen action until more recently. We now see evidence suggesting that estrogen may also play a role in the development of prostate conditions including prostate cancer, one of the most common forms of cancer in men.

She explains that estrogen accumulation can be related to both stress and xenoestrogens — substances that originate outside the body that have an estrogenic-like effect. According to...

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Sexuality Superheroes: Machel Hunt

expert advice Nov 11, 2019

This week's Sexuality Superhero is Machel Hunt. Machel is a relationship counsellor with sixteen years of experience under his belt. He has a discipline in psycho-dynamic and person-centered counselling, and integrates important therapy practices in his sessions so couples can become more comfortable with sexual health and their sexual pleasures. Read his feature below and learn more!

How did you find yourself working in sexuality?

I grew up in a very liberal household, so I have always had an open mind about sex and sexuality.  When I started university, I wanted to study psychology and graduated undergrad with a BSC in psychology. During undergrad, I became even more intrigued by the psychology of sex and then decided to pursue a masters in counselling therapy. At this point I knew I wanted to become a sex therapist. My first job was at a couples therapy center. I love helping individuals and couples to understand their underlying issues and coach them to a healthy...

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5 Ways to De-Stress to Have Hotter Sex (When Youā€™re Trying to Get Pregnant, But These Tips Apply to Everyone!)

expert advice Nov 06, 2019

I was recently interviewed on the topic of how to have better sex while trying to conceive and was asked to share tips to reduce raw stress associated with baby-making. I’ve shared the interview summary below and believe these stress-reducing strategies are relevant regardless of whether or not you’re trying to get pregnant:

Sex can be both a source of stress and a remedy to assuage tension in relationships. The associated stress often occurs when you worry about frequency, quality or issues of compatibility. If you’re not have sex as often as you’d like (or you’ve stopped having sex altogether), a lack of time, a perceived lack of privacy, breakdowns in communication, body image and shame issues and mismatched libidos are often to blame.

Couples who are trying to get pregnant face the added pressure of worrying about conception and oftentimes this detracts from pleasure, intimacy and experimentation. It is not uncommon for seduction to be unnecessarily...

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Sexuality Superheroes: Stacy Routhier

expert advice Nov 04, 2019

Say hello to this week's Sexuality Superhero, Stacy Routhier. Stacy's profile is a little different than the Sexuality Superheroes we usually feature. Stacy's blog talks about her experience with cancer, and how it's affected her marriage, sex life and other important pathways in life (both good and bad). Read Stacy's story below.

How has your experience with cancer affected your marriage? (Either good or bad, or anything at all.)

Being diagnosed with DCIS commonly known as stage 0 breast cancer at age 36 was something that we weren’t ever expecting to deal with. We knew that this was going to be a long journey that required sacrifice, patience and positivity. Most married couples know that these are the traits of a healthy marriage, but I think sometimes we forgo these traits when life takes over and forces us to shy away from these desired traits. We knew that we really had to work at keeping these three traits top-of-mind now for the well-being of us both. Grant and I...

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