Sexuality Superheroes: Kevin Patterson

expert advice May 27, 2019

This week, meet Kevin Patterson. Kevin is a polyamorous blogger and sex-positive podcaster. Kevin's goal is to raise awareness about polyamorous relationships - the good and the bad. His blog, Poly Role Models, discusses the struggles, the history, and dynamics of being in a polyamorous relationship. Read his feature below.

How did you find yourself working in sexuality?

I've got this one thing I do really well. I talk about myself and my experiences in a relatable way. The good and the bad. I spoke at length about my experiences as a polyamorous black man and people just started listening. I wasn't looking to blaze any trails, but suddenly that's what I was doing. A partner of mine suggested that I start speaking in educational spaces and writing books. It all sounded way out of my range, but I did it anyway and have been pretty successful with it.

What is the best part of the job?

When I started out my polyamorous journey, I felt really isolated by way of race. I still...

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Vaginismus: Painful Sex

podcasts May 24, 2019
Happier Couples
Vaginismus: Painful Sex

What are the causes, symptoms and treatment options for Vaginismus? Jess shares resources and chats with her friend Meredith who shares her story of successfully overcoming Vaginismus.

As mentioned on this episode, check out the work of Dr. Susie Gronski and the Pelvic Mafia!

This podcast is brought to you by Desire Resorts.

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If you’ve got questions or topic suggestions for the podcast, submit them here. As well, you can now record your messages for us! Please record your message/question in a quiet room and use your phone’s headphones with a built-in mic if possible.

And be sure to subscribe on Apple PodcastsSpotifyPodbeanGoogle Podcasts, Amazon MusicStitcher!

Rough Transcript:

This is a computer-generated rough transcript, so please excuse any typos. This podcast is an informational conversation and is not a substitute for medical, health or other professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek...

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Do You Need a Relationship Makeover?

This morning on The Morning Show, Jess sat down with Jeff and Carolyn to address YOUR relationship questions. Check them out below, along with her video interview.

I love my wife and we have always had a pretty good relationship, but lately we are starting to feel more like roommates and I feel like we’re in a rut. How do we reset and give our marriage a makeover?

You’re already on the right track, because you opened with the positive: you’ve always had a good relationship and you know that this rut isn’t permanent.

Oftentimes, advice related to breaking out of a rut focuses on injecting novelty, but I suggest you look to the past to shape the future:

Can you identify what made your relationship so great in the past? Can you make a list of what you used to do well and can you make adjustments to restart some of these behaviours or rituals? If you look back a few years, what did you do differently? Did you spend more time with friends? Did you spend more...

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How To Talk To Your Kids About Porn

podcasts May 17, 2019
Happier Couples
How To Talk To Your Kids About Porn

Jess and Brandon talk about celebrity relationships (again!). Then Nadine Thornhill joins them to share practical advice on how to talk to your kids about sex, porn and body image.

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Jess received a related question from a fellow listener. Here is her advice...

My ex wife tells me that she caught our teenage son watching porn. She was mortified and wants me to talk to him about it. Where do I even begin?

If you don’t talk to your kids about porn, Google, YouTube, SnapChat and their friends will. Oftentimes, they’re not looking for porn, but they stumble across it or their friends present it to them, so it’s essential to have conversations before they encounter this type of material.

If you feel uncomfortable talking to them about porn or sex, in general, use this discomfort to open the conversation. Admit that it makes you nervous so that they learn from your ability to acknowledge vulnerable emotions....

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Why Are Millennials Waiting to Have Sex?

More Millennials are delaying sex and some experts say that technology and porn are to blame.

"Millennials have been brought up in a culture of hypersexuality, which has bred a fear of intimacy,” psychoanalytic psychotherapist Susanna Abse of the Balint Consultancy told the Sunday Times.

Others suggest that young people are so engrossed in digital relationships that they don’t have the time or skills to develop real-life connections. They theorize that their commitment to their phones, friends and careers has made them fearful of relationship commitment.

Jess doesn’t necessarily disagree, so she sat down with Jeff McArthur to discuss this study and its findings this morning on The Morning Show.

What did this study find?

A study called The Next Steps project examined data of more than 16,000 young people born in 1989 and 1990 starting when they were 14 years old. They found that millennials are delaying intercourse and that 1 in 8 consider themselves virgins at age...

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Sexuality Superheroes: Dr. Maha Nasrallah-Babenko

expert advice May 13, 2019

Another week, another Sexuality Superhero! This week, meet relationship and sexual wellness coach, Dr. Maha Nasrallah-Babenko. Dr. Maha has worked with many couples facing all sorts of relationship challenges, from communication issues to common sexual difficulties. Get to know her work a little better, and read her feature below.

How did you find yourself working in the field of sexuality?

It was literally a light-bulb moment. I was in London completing my PhD in Psychology, and a conversation with my sisters about relationships just sparked this idea. The more I looked into it, the more interested I became. I decided to apply for a 2-year Diploma in Psychosexual and Relationship Counseling, and I absolutely fell in love with the program once I was in it. Not only was I interested in relationships, love, and intimacy, but I also very much enjoyed seeing couples reconnect, and connecting with the clients myself. In addition, I'm always fascinated by the field, and love that...

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Top Online Dating Profile Tips

Jeff and Carolyn may not be in the dating market, but that didn’t stop them from creating mock profiles to solicit feedback from Jess. Check out Jess’ advice for crafting effective online dating profiles in the video and notes below.

Make your profile photo pop. Present a clear photo of our face (preferably smiling) and do not include anyone else in the photo, as you do not want viewers to have to guess which face is yours. Online dating moves at a rapid pace, so if your message isn’t clear from the onset or they have to do work to figure out what you’re trying to convey, most folks will swipe away. Take a photo specifically for your dating profile rather than using one from your highlight reel in which you’re all glammed-up and try not to crop photos other than to fit the sizing requirements.

Tell a story with your supplementary photos. Include a few additional photos that illustrate who you are and what you value. How do you normally spend your...

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Ambiamory, Polyamory, Open Relationships

podcasts May 03, 2019
Happier Couples
Ambiamory, Polyamory, Open Relationships

Are you monogamous? Consensually non-monogamous? Ambiamorous? Polyamorous? Have you explored all of your options? And what can you learn from relationship types that are different than your own? Kevin Patterson joins Jess & Brandon to talk about his open marriage of 12 years and counting. He shares some of his mistakes and lessons as well as insightful advice on jealousy for people in monogamous relationships.

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Pick up your copy of Kevin's book, Love is Not Color Blind here. Also check out For Hire: Operator here.

This podcast is brought to you by Desire Resorts.

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If you’ve got questions or topic suggestions for the podcast, submit them here. As well, you can now record your messages for us! Please record your message/question in a quiet room and use your phone’s headphones with a built-in mic if possible.

And be sure to subscribe on Apple PodcastsSpotifyPodbeanGoogle...

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Sexuality Superheroes: Dirty Lola

expert advice Apr 29, 2019

Meet Dirty Lola. She's this week's Sexuality Superhero! Lola is a sex podcast producer, a sex store manager, sex educator, and "edutainer". Check out her work and advice below.

How did you find yourself working in sexuality?

My career path has been a wild one. I started out talking about sex and writing micro erotica on Twitter and Tumblr in 2010. During that time, I was also hosting burlesque shows in NY. I was able to use these platforms to express my sexuality and share all of the sex knowledge I had picked up over the years. I was also able to connect with the sex-positive community via these platforms which led to me attending my sexuality conference, Catalyst Con. It was during that conference when I decided I wanted to find a way to combine my love for burlesque with my love for sex-ed. This was the birth of what would eventually become my live sex-ed Q&A variety show Sex Ed A Go Go.

Producing Sex Ed A Go Go made me realize I needed to get away from the 9-5 office...

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Hereā€™s How Diet, Sleep, Superfoods and Lifestyle Choices Affect Your Libido

podcasts Apr 26, 2019
Happier Couples
Hereā€™s How Diet, Sleep, Superfoods and Lifestyle Choices Affect Your Libido

Naturopathic doctor, Dr. Olivia Rose, shares insights on how diet, supplements, herbs, acupuncture and sleep affect your sex drive and overall health. She reveals what foods you should eat in the morning, what substances you should avoid at night, and how hormones play a role in libido.

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Have a question about naturopathic treatments, clinical nutrition etc.? Join Dr. Olivia every Thursday on Vitarock's Facebook page for her weekly 'Ask Me Anything' Facebook Live broadcast.

You can find a quick summary of the episode below. (Thanks to Dr. Olivia for providing these notes!)

1. What is naturopathic medicine? Tell us about your practice.

  • Naturopathic medicine is a health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge and evidence with traditional and natural forms of medicine. As NDs, we assess the whole person by providing physical examinations, nutrition, lifestyle...
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