Love Hurts! How to Avoid Broken Penises and Other Sex Injuries

expert advice Oct 16, 2018

Sex feels so darn good! And it’s also associated a wide range of health benefits leaving you feeling and looking your best. But even if you practice safer sex, you may want to be mindful of some of the common (and not so common) injuries that remind us that sometimes love really is a battlefield.

Broken Penises

Believe it or not, McSteamy and Grey’s Anatomy weren’t exaggerating. You can break a penis -- as long as it is hard at the time. While even the toughest boner contains no actual bones, the penis does contain tubes that fill with blood during an erection. It is the lining of these tubes, the tunica albuginea, that can rupture in response to heavy trauma or bending. This may happen during intercourse when the penis is severely bent or is thrust into the pelvic bone or another hard surface.

One client described his experience with penile rupture:

“She climbed on top. While thrusting her hips back in forth against my rhythm she decided to lean back...

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Halloween Role-Play Tips

expert advice Oct 10, 2018

Halloween is just around the corner and people of all ages are gearing up for an evening of tricks, treats and the opportunity to dress up and play a role if only for one night. As I was scrolling through a few websites in search of the perfect ensemble, I was reminded that while costumes designed for men tend to be pop-culture and occupation-based, costumes targeted at women lean almost exclusive toward the sexy. Even those that are occupationally-related offer sexy versions: sexy nurse, sexy teacher, sexy firefighter, sexy maid, sexy cat, sexy horse (for real!) and sexy police officer are just a few examples I found on the first page.

I love that Halloween offers an opportunity to dress up and be sexy, but I do wish the gender bias wasn't so prominent and that there were a wider range of choices in terms of commercially-available costumes. If you want to wear something sexy, go for it! But if you don’t, that’s fine too. And don’t feel you have to stick to...

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Should You Have A One-Night Stand?

expert advice Sep 13, 2018

That depends. Do you want to? Research suggests that around half of Canadians have engaged in a one-night stand while the other half has not. So there you go. You’re normal either way. You should never feel pressured to do something because you think everyone else is doing it or you feel the need to check off that box on this month’s sexuality survey. Trust me, you’re not a “prude” just because some magazine sells ad space by dichotomizing women into virgins and whores. You can be as intensely sexually empowered when you’re abstinent as you are when you’re hooking up with new partners on the regular. Only you can determine what is empowering for you -- sure experts like me might be able to help along the way, but ultimately, you are the greatest expert in yourself. So take some time to think about what you want and why you want it -- and now let’s get back to one-night stands...

A one-night stand is supposed to be a casual hook-up...

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Sex Quirks We All Share (Even If We Won't Admit It)

expert advice Aug 29, 2018

Sexual quirks are more common than you think. Which ones will you admit to?

Let’s face it. We’re all a little quirky. And when it comes to sex, we each have our own set of idiosyncrasies that we’re sometimes afraid to admit to. But the experts will assure you that as awkward or weird as your sexual quirks may seem, they’re probably more common than you think.

Which of these sexual quirks will you admit to?

Humping Furniture

You’ve likely heard that most women (two-thirds of us) don’t orgasm through intercourse alone, but you may be surprised to learn that many do so with a little help from the kitchen table. Humping furniture is actually quite common since so many women reach orgasm through rubbing against firm surfaces.

Many of my clients learn to orgasm by grinding up against the edges of their dining room tables or climbing atop the plush arm of their La-Z Boy chairs. I even encourage them to do so. It may not be the sexiest image imaginable,...

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Erogenous Zones You May Have Overlooked

expert advice Aug 03, 2018

If you’re looking for a quickie in the closet over the lunch hour, your go-to hot spots and techniques are probably your best bet. If, however, you want to prolong the pleasure and promote full-body orgasms that make you weak in the knees for days, it’s time to slow down and explore unchartered territory. Try teasing and tantalizing these surprising hot spots with your tongue, lips, breath and fingertips and allow the waves of delight to radiate throughout the entire body. Start with slow, feather-light touch and then increase the speed and pressure as the arousal builds.

Suprasternal Notch

This hot spot is located at the base of the neck at the centre of the collarbone. Not only is this tender notch sex to look at, but it can be hypersensitive to touch. Kiss your way from the outer collarbones (also considered an erogenous zone for women) and breathe some gentle warm air over this indentation before twirling your tongue slowly around its perimeter.


The Sides of...

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Questions to Deepen the Bond With Your Partner

expert advice Jul 09, 2018

Dying to uncover your partner's deepest fantasies and most profound vulnerabilites? All you have to do is ask!

During the initial stages of dating, we tend to ask probing questions to get a better sense of a potential partner's personality and history. But why not take a chance and ask similar questions to a long-term partner? You never know what kind of answers you're going to get or where the conversation may lead.

Asking questions that encourage your partner to share previously unrevealed information or be vulnerable has the potential to deepen your connection.

The former facilitates the sharing of new information, which has the potential to reignite the passion chemicals and feelings you experienced when you first met. On early dates, you were constantly learning, sharing and discovering new things about your partner — the associated anticipation, curiosity, and excitement helped to ignite dopamine, serotonin, and adrenaline, which...

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The Hottest Expert-Approved Sexting Tips

expert advice Jun 27, 2018

Sexting is supposedly all the rage. But how many times have you gone back and forth, contemplating what you're going to write in that next sexy text? How do you communicate what you want and leave your lover with a sense of mystery and intrigue? We've joined forces with a few experts to bring you the best sexting advice that will leave your lover wanting more!

Pleasure Coach, Tyomi Morgan-Najieb suggests...

1. Perform a striptease with selfies.


Kick off a sexting session that involves removing clothing layer by layer. Begin with a photo of your body from an angle that only shows your lips and upper body. Include a message to your lover with the photo that sparks intrigue like, “want to see more of me?” With each picture you send, slide your clothing off inch by inch. This will keep your partner’s attention and have them anticipating what they will see when the next photo comes through to their phone. You can even request for your partner to send you...

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8 Ways to *Love* Your Body

expert advice Jun 25, 2018

Adapted from The New Sex Bible.

The way you feel about your body is intrinsically related to your experience of sexual pleasure. Research continues to confirm that those who feel most comfortable in their skin report higher levels of sexual functioning and those negative thoughts about your body can impede both sexual desire and response.

Body image is all about how you feel about your body as opposed to what your body actually looks like. Accordingly, changing your shape, size, weight and overall appearance on its own will not amount to a hotter sex life. A positive attitude toward your body, however, may be just what the sex doctor ordered.

Developing a healthy relationship with your body doesn’t mean that you have to idealize every square inch 24/7. Positive body image involves seeing your own value and learning to appreciate your body for its many functions. Some strategies for improving the way you see your body include:

1. Surround yourself with positive friends, family,...

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Signs You're Not Over Your Ex -- And How to Move On

expert advice Jun 11, 2018

No breakup is easy -- no matter how consciously you uncouple. And getting over an ex can be a complicated and time-consuming process. Here are a few signs that you're still hung up a past relationship as well as a few tips to help you move on:

You check their social media accounts daily. Not only is this a sign that you haven’t moved on, but it may also be keeping you from moving on.

What to do: Cut it out. You don’t have to quit cold turkey, but you may want to set limits. Limit yourself to once every other day and slowly reduce the frequency until you’ve weaned yourself off entirely. It’s natural to be curious and you may still take a peek once in a while, but you’re more likely to move on if you’re not creeping their account daily.

You go places hoping to bump into them. You may tell yourself that you really just like the coffee at one of your shared old haunts or you may lie and say that you want to run into them so they can see how...

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Common Masturbation Myths Busted!

expert advice May 30, 2018

We’re entering the homestretch of International Masturbation Month. That's right! Thirty-one days devoted exclusively to the celebration and practice of self-love. And though we're loving the celebration, it is inevitably accompanied by a host of misconceptions about what solo sex really means. After all, what we do with ourselves when we’re alone is arguably the most private aspect of sex in general. As a result, many people feel ashamed of the act of masturbation and subsequently tend to misunderstand it.

Thankfully, we’ve got Dr. Markie Twist and Dr. Megan Stubbs on-hand — no pun intended — to help dispel four of masturbation’s most common myths.

The former is an award-winning sexuality educator, sexologist, relationship therapist, author and international speaker. She not only regularly consults and presents on sexual, gender, erotic and relational diversity, but couple and family technology practices, plus tantric sex. And...

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