If Your Spunk Is Junk: Tips That May Improve The Taste Of Your Semen

Have you been on the receiving end of a bad load of semen? You are not alone. Many people report that the taste of their partners ejaculate is often bad or even unpalatable. Fear not: you are not destined for terrible tasting love liquid.


While there are no scientific studies that have looked at improving the taste of semen, there are a lot of tips you can try to better your flavor. Everyone has their own particular taste, and this taste can change due to a number of factors. Here are some habits that can contribute to a lousy load:

  • Sulfur containing veggies like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus and Brussels sprouts
  • Extra spicy/garlicky food
  • Cigarettes
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Red Meat
  • Dairy

Try to incorporate these foods for a better blend:

  • Fresh fruits like pineapple, melon, mango, papaya
  • Citrus fruits like lemons, limes, and oranges
  • Pineapple (the most often recommended trick)
  • Parsley/Cilantro
  • Cinnamon
  • Non-sulfur vegetables
  • And most importantly water! (flush out those toxins)

Think of this as a real life application of “you are what you eat.” Try out these suggestions and see what, if any, work for you. Still stuck on the bad taste? Try positioning his penis at the back of your throat when he is climaxing so the ejaculate will avoid most your taste buds. Is that not an option for you either? Remember that swallowing is NOT a requirement for oral sex. Have your man give you the courtesy tap to let you know that he is about to climax so you can move your mouth away before he ejaculates. This way you can completely avoid tasting his brand, but keep stimulating him with your hand during the duration of his orgasm. Still looking to have the tactile experience of ejaculate but not a fan of the taste? A new product on the market is the Masque Strip. Through years of research, they have developed a strip that dissolves on your tongue and will mask the taste of semen up to 15 minutes. It comes in fun flavors like chocolate, strawberry, watermelon, and mango. There is no reason that oral sex cannot be enjoyable for both parties.

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