How to Show Appreciation at Home or at Work

When we think of healthy relationships, we often think of marriage and intimate relationships, but the relationships you foster with friends, neighbours and co-workers can also have a significant impact on your well being. Daily interactions can affect your stress levels, sleep, mental health, self-esteem and even your cardiovascular health. This is why more business partners and entrepreneurs are investing in the quality of their workplace relationships.

Earlier today, Jess joined Carolyn and Jeff on The Morning Show to discuss one strategy to improve workplace interactions. Jess lead them through an exercise that people can try with both couples and business partners. This is an exercise designed to address the gratitude gap.

We already know that the benefits of expressing gratitude range from the physical to the emotional — gratitude is associated with lower blood pressure, greater life satisfaction, lower rates of depression and anxiety, greater empathy,...

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How to Deal With a Jealous Friend & How to Stop Bickering

After sitting on the squatty-potty in heels last week, the fine folks at The Morning Show still invited Jess back for the Ask Dr. Jess segment this morning on Global TV. She joined Jeff and Carolyn to address questions from viewers across Canada.

Since I got married, my best friend has been distant. I’ve heard she’s jealous of my new husband and felt left out of the wedding despite being my Maid of Honour. How do I handle this?

Oftentimes our first instinct is to respond to jealousy with frustration, criticism and hostility when we’d be much better off leading with empathy. When someone is jealous of another relationship (e.g. with your spouse), it’s often a sign that they’re feeling neglected or unworthy; they may also be scared of losing you. If you can consider how they’re really feeling (fearful or unworthy) as opposed to focusing specifically on how they’re acting (distant), you’ll probably show more empathy from the onset.


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How to Make Friends as an Adult

We all know that a happy relationship with your partner can affect your health, happiness and even your pocketbook, but friends also play an important role in life satisfaction and overall well-being.

Jess co-hosted with expert nutritionist, Kyle Buchanan, on Global TV's The Morning Show with Carolyn MacKenzie. They discussed friendships and strategies for making friends in your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond.

Check out the videos and summary below.

With online relationships and communication, do we have as many in-person friend as we used to?

Research suggests that we lose friends as we get older and one in five of us feels lonely.

Why is having friends so important?

Not only do the happiest and healthiest people have the strongest social ties, but happiness among friends is contagious.  A Harvard Medical School study of 5,000 people suggests that one person’s happiness spreads through their social group even up to three degrees of separation with the...

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4 Ways To Have Happier Relationships

This morning, Jess joined Jeff and Carolyn on The Morning Show to play a mini game show focused on relationships. Check out the notes and video below.


1. Using this word or phrase can predict a happier relationship for couples:

a. Please

b. We instead of I

c. You’re right.

d. Are you in the mood?

2. Sharing personal info on social media can detract from relationships happiness unless you do this:

a. Overshare

b. Include your partner in your posts

c. Limit your audience

d. Use words/text as opposed to pics

3. Sharing personal info with co-workers can be good for workplace relationships when you share:

a. Obvious/visible information

b. Childhood memories

c. Invisible stigmas

d. Funny stories and anecdotes

4. The key to finding a good partner involves finding...

a. A matching personality

b. Someone like your mother/father

c. Someone with different personality traits

d. Someone kind & conscientious



1. The answer is B: We instead...

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When it Comes to Working Relationships, How Close is Too Close?

Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga performed at the Academy Awards on Sunday night and gossip about their relationship is spreading like wildfire. From Tweeters to other celebrities, folks are insisting that they must be more than friends on account of their chemistry on stage. Jess joined Jeff and Carolyn on Global TV's The Morning Show to discuss. See her segment notes below.

Why are people insisting that they must be sleeping together?

First, let’s remember that they’re actors; they’re acting at an award show that celebrates the best acting in the business. That’s their job and apparently they’re very good at it.

Children can differentiate between make believe and reality when they watch Spiderman scale walls and Vin Diesel tear through the streets like a race car driver. Adults should be able to differentiate between fantasy and reality too — whether they’re watching the oscars or watching porn.

Perhaps people want to believe that Gaga...

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Are Canadian Daters Too Picky?

More Canadians are single this Valentine’s Day and while some are single by choice, others report having difficulty dating and finding a compatible partner. Jess joined Carolyn and Jeff on Global TV’s The Morning Show to discuss this topic and share insights on how we can adjust our attitudes to improve our chances of finding love.

Check out the video replay and Jess’ notes below.

1. Why do so many daters say that it’s difficult to connect in the Canadian dating market?

Canadians can be shy and in large urban centres, we struggle to connect with new folks — not just potential dates, but friends and social contacts in general. As we delay and opt out of marriage, we’re more likely to live alone (28% of Canadians live alone)

Research suggests that loneliness is a health threat across the country. Loneliness is associated with higher rates of depression, anxiety, irritability and even heart disease and stroke.


2. Are daters too picky?


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Rather Than Celebrating Valentine's Day, Celebrate Your Relationship

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and while some people (like Jess) are trying their best to ignore it, others are planning ahead and trying to figure out how to make a mostly-commercial holiday count. Viewers from across Canada have been sharing their stories and questions with The Morning Show and Jess joined them to offer her insights on a few queries this morning.

Check out the summary and video below and be sure to submit your questions here.

My colleagues recently told me that someone we work with has a crush on me.  A week ago he asked them what kind of chocolates I like so I’m assuming he plans on gifting me with some on Valentine’s Day.  I really like this person, but not more than a friend.  How should I handle this situation so I don’t hurt him and we can remain friends?

Be clear about your intentions from the onset. Let them know that you don’t like surprise gifts or convey your disinterest in Valentine’s Day....

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Dr. Jess on Global: The Bachelor's Virginity and Chris Pratt's Engagement

After a few weeks abroad for the holidays, followed by an emergency with her pup in Miami (more here), and a few days at a clothing optional resort working with couples who have been happily married for 30+ years, Jess finally made it back to Toronto. And her first stop, of course, was at Global TV’s The Morning Show. She joined Carolyn and Jeff to chat about popular portrayals of two hot topics: virginity as portrayed on The Bachelor and the role of faith in relationships in light of Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger’s engagement.

Check out the video reply and summary notes below.

1. The new bachelor, Colton is a virgin and people can’t stop talking about it. What is our obsession with virginity?

Virginity is an odd and exclusionary concept. It simply doesn’t apply to everyone because it tends to refer to one specific sex act and discount all the other pleasurable and intimate acts that are also sexual in nature.

The definition of virginity itself...

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Gifts According to Your Partner's Love Language

This morning, Jess joined Vicky Sparks and Carolyn Mackenzie on Global TV's The Morning Show to chat about Gary Chapman's five languages of love and how to select a meaningful gift for each of the languages. Check out her selections and video below.

1. Physical Affection

2. Words of Affirmation

3. Quality time

4. Gifts

5. Acts of Service

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Dr. Jess Addresses Your Holiday-Related Relationship Qs!

This morning on Global TV's The Morning Show, Jess sat down with Carolyn Mackenzie and Vicky Sparks to discuss more holiday-related relationship questions. Check out what she has to say below, as these questions might help you keep your relationship flame burning long throughout the holidays.

My husband and I have recently decided to get a divorce (we don’t have kids).  This weekend I’ll be traveling to my parent’s house for our annual holiday get together.  They don’t know yet but he won’t be joining me so they will definitely think that something is up.  Is it appropriate to tell them this weekend or should I wait?  What should I tell them? - Melissa from Ajax, Ontario

Holidays come more once a year and if you’re going through a divorce, this holiday season will probably be more stressful for you than for your parents and family. My advice: look out for yourself first. If telling them will make you feel better, go ahead. If...

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