How to Cohabit Peacefully With Others During Your Self-Isolation

We took Global TV's The Morning Show from the Corus studio to our home studios today! This week, we chat about how to get along with the people close to you during self-isolation. Check out my notes and video segment below!

I’m with my kids 24/7 with no end in sight – how do I keep from going bananas?

First, talk to your kids about how you’re feeling. And ask them how they’re feeling. Take it slowly and really listen to what they have to say. This is a stressful time for everyone. It’s a time of transition, uncertainty, fear, financial stress and constant change. Change has been documented as a primary source of prolonged stress, so we’re all experiencing heightened stress levels at this time.

So prioritize acknowledging, validating and working through feelings over home schooling or productivity. There is, of course, value in learning and producing, but the pressure cooker is almost at its limit with the news and precariousness of the...

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How Can You Support Your Parents if They're Ready to Date Again?

What's the best advice you can give your parents (or other fellow baby boomers) if they're ready to get back into the dating pool again? Jess sits down with hosts Carolyn and Jeff on Global TV's The Morning Show to further discuss. Check out her notes and video segment below!

1. They’re launching a Bachelor-type show for seniors — what does this say about dating in 2020 and any predictions for how this might be different than the traditional show?

It’s a reminder that our desire for love, companionship and sex exists across the lifespan. I just hope they don’t make age a central feature of the show or use it at the butt of jokes as is often the case in Hollywood. And I hope they use this rare showcase of love, dating and sex among seniors to promote safer sex, because older adults can be at greater risk.

2. How is dating for boomers different than dating for millennials?

The desired outcomes may be different. There may be...

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Dr. Jess on Making Time for Intimacy in Your Relationship

This morning on Global TV's The Morning Show, Jess sat down with Carolyn and Jeff to address viewer questions about the lack of intimacy in their relationships. Check out the video segment and her advice below to learn more!

My wife does so much. Takes care of the kids (we have a newborn), takes care of the house, etc.. But she’s never in the mood for sex. It has been months. I want to talk to her, but don’t want to make her feel badly, because she’s doing such a great job.

The fact that you acknowledge all that she does is so important and sets the tone for a healthy relationship and a potentially fruitful conversation about sex. Having said that, before we jump into the conversation, I want to offer a reminder to convey this appreciation directly to your wife. Oftentimes, couples who get along well deal with a gratitude gap: you feel grateful and you function so well as a team that you forget to thank your partner for all that they do to...

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How Meghan & Harry Can Attenuate The “Romeo & Juliet” Effect

Meghan and Harry are stepping away from the Royal Family and moving to Canada (at least part-time). In light of the family’s disapproval, how can they ensure that they safeguard their relationship and respond to family disappointment? Jess sat down with Carolyn and Jeff to discuss parental disapproval earlier today on The Morning Show.

Check out the video and notes below.

How to handle disappointing your parents (or in this case, your grandparents)?

JODO — I learned about JODO from Adam Maurer from @MoonTower_Counseling. JODO stands for the joy of disappointing others. It isn’t about being a rebel without a cause; it’s essential to:

  • Setting boundaries and realistic expectations.
  • Managing personality differences in relationships
  • Expressing your needs and emotions in healthy ways.

In relationships research, there are a few theories that relate to outside sources of (dis)approval affecting the outcome of your...

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Dealing With Unruly Guests This Holiday Season

It’s that time of year again and though it’s supposed to be full of good cheer, the stress of shopping, cooking, planning, traveling and hosting can detract from the holly season — especially when houseguests are involved. This morning on Global TV’s The Morning Show, Jess sat down with Jeff and Carolyn to share insights on dealing with difficult house guests. 


Sherrie asks…

My boyfriend and I live together, but we’re going to visit his parents over the holidays and they insist that we sleep in separate rooms. How do we convince them that we’re adults and can share a bedroom?

Their house means their rules. You are adults and if you really want to sleep in the same room, you can book a hotel room.

I’m not suggesting that their motivation for separating you is more justified than your desire to sleep together, but if they’re graciously opening up their home, you have to adjust your behaviour to...

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Can I Ghost My Husband?

This morning, Jess sat down with Jeff and Carolyn on Global TV's The Morning Show to address viewer questions about relationships and ghosting. Check out what Jess has to say, see her expanded notes and video clip below.

I’m married and want to leave, because I’ve met someone else - my forever person - and we’ve already started making plans. When should I tell my husband? I think I should wait until everything is in place to tell my husband I’m leaving in order to avoid a blowup and months of fighting, but my friends say I should let him know earlier. Am I right or are they?

Do not ghost your husband. Unless you feel unsafe — for example, if you’re dealing with an abusive partner, you want to put your safety first — be transparent. Tell him now. If you’re making plans to leave — changing mail, financial account info or looking for a new place to live — your partner deserves to know.

You say you’re looking to avoid...

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Here’s What We Know About Cuffing Season

Is cuffing season a real thing? Jess joined Jeff and Carolyn this morning on Global TV’s The Morning Show to further discuss.


The desire to commit to a partner during the cooler months is reflected in the online dating data. One study found that there is an increase in searches related to dating in winter months with a peak in January. However, this pattern is cyclical with another peak during the summer. It’s notable that these search increases are not only related to relationships, but also to sex and porn, so it’s not necessarily a matter of cuffing per se.

The Facebook data with regard to relationship status also suggests net gains in the winter season at 34% more new relationships that breakups on December 25th, 28% more on December 24th and 29% more on February 14th.

Why might someone want to dive into a relationship in the Winter and avail themselves of commitment in the...

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Managing Holiday Strife & How to Deal with Difficult In-Laws

If you slept in this morning, you likely missed Jess’ appearance on The Morning Show, so check out the notes below.

A Global TV viewer asks: My father-in-law interferes in our relationship to the point that I think it’s driving a wedge between me and my wife. He undermines us with the kids, is manipulative with money and criticizes our relationship. How do I get him to back off and how do I talk to my wife about this?

Start by asking your wife how she feels about his behaviour. Does she share your concerns? Don’t start with complaints or criticisms; instead open up a discussion so you can better understand her perspective on the same interactions. Your perspective may be coloured by your own experiences, your relationship with your parents and other personal sensitivities. And chances are that she is likely dealing with some similar concerns, because you share the same values and goals for your kids and relationship.

Once you’ve considered your...

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Relationship Lessons from Downton Abbey

What about relationships, love and marriage can we learn from the popular TV series, Downton Abbey? For this special Halloween episode of Global TV's The Morning Show, Jess, Carolyn, Jeff dressed up in their finest aristocratic fashion and sat down to discuss further. Check out Jess' notes and video segment below.

1. You can grow in love. You don’t have to fall head over hells from the onset.

We see this in Lord and Lady Grantham’s marriage, which was one of economics to begin with, but develops into an exceptional love marriage. They even sleep in the same bed, which was rare for folks in their position at the time.

We see a similar connection develop between Mary and Matthew. Their potential marriage is also one of economic necessity — he’s the heir to the family fortune and there is pressure to marry him to keep the fortune. She dislikes and judges him harshly with prejudice at first. They’re not aligned politically, as she is deeply...

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Should I Tell My Partner if I Snooped in Their Private Messages & Found Something That Upset Me?

Today on The Morning Show, Jess joined Carolyn and Jeff to take viewer questions about creeping on your partner’s DMs, dealing with an interfering in-law and talking about your exes and previous breakups. Check out the video and recap notes below.

1. How much should I tell my partner about my past relationships? Should I tell them how many partners I’ve had? Should I tell them if I cheated on an ex or why I broke up with my exes?

You’re not required to tell your partner anything about your past, but sharing that information can help you both to understand your needs, boundaries, and triggers to improve the present and future.

If you have seen patterns or can identify themes (positive and negative) from previous relationships, it can help you to learn about yourself and help your partner to better understand you.

I don’t think numbers matter, so if it’s a matter of curiosity, you might want to share. If it’s a matter of judgment or confidence,...

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