Dr. Jess on Global TV's The Morning Show

What conversations make for a happy marriage? Dr. Jess shares her thoughts in the November issue of Post City Magazines and joins Global Television's The Morning Show team to offer additional tips on navigating these challenging conversations.

From money and sex to jealousy and the in-laws, we've got you covered. Check out the video below!

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Dr. Jess on The Fearless Fred Show

expert advice press Nov 26, 2014

Every Wednesday morning at 9am, I have the pleasure of hanging with Fred and Mel at 102.1 The Edge. They ask the tough questions about sex, relationships, marriage, intimacy and communication and I do my best to provide answers.

This morning, we discussed my latest piece for Post City Magazines: "The Marriage Saver: Dr. Jess lists six chats you need to have with your partner".

Listen using the player below.



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Catch Dr. Jess on Global TV Wednesdays at 7:15am

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The Marriage Trap

Today, after my regular Tuesday appearance on Global Television's The Morning Show, I received an angry message on my public Facebook page:

"I just watched you on the Morning Show promoting your propaganda. My younger brother got married and is now dead while I have never been married and am still quite alive. Men are wise to the marriage trap and I will continue to warn them of the evils of marriage. You should be ashamed of yourself trying to trap other men, you already have done so to one. Alimony, restricted visitation rights and betrayal await any man who gets married. You are promoting the Luciferian agenda and this is pure evil. Real men never get married."

This viewer is responding to my statements regarding new research findings suggesting that married men might reap greater health benefits than married women when compared to their single counterparts. The video is posted below (it's the third segment) and I've added a few notes that I wish I had included in the short...

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