Does Marriage Lead to Better Health Outcomes?

A new study suggests that dementia risk is considerably higher for singles as opposed to married folks. Jess and Jeff delved into the research this morning on The Morning Show.

For years we’ve been hearing that married folks fare better than their single counterparts when it comes to health outcomes, but then last year another study found that some of these claims have been overstated. So what’s the new verdict according to this study?

  • In this study, published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, researchers analyzed the results from 15 previously published studies with a total of 812,047 participants from Europe, Asia, the US and Brazil. This is a considerable sample size of which 29,610 has a form of dementia (but see below for limitations).
  • They found that people who had never been married and those who were widowed were more likely to develop dementia despite their age and sex. They conclude that the risk is 42% higher for singles and...
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How to Have Those Difficult Conversations With Your Partner

Experts are constantly touting the value of “difficult conversations” in intimate relationships. But if a conversation is difficult, how do you initiate it to begin with? Do you bring it up at the dinner table or in the bedroom? Or should you wait until your partner in-laws are visiting to really up the awkward ante? Kidding. Obviously.

This morning, Jess joined Jeff on The Morning Show to share her top strategies for starting challenging conversations with your partner, but some of these approaches could also be used to tackle tough topics with your kids, friends, and parents. Check out the video and summary below.

1. We all want to have these tough conversation, but they’re intimidating. What’s an easy way to get them started?

Use popular media (tv shows, books, magazines, news headlines) as inspiration to have conversations about difficult topics. For example, politician or celebrity divorce and affair rumours can help you to talk about cheating —...

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Jess' Advice for the Prince and Princess

Prince Harry and (the future Princess) Meghan Markle are engaged. She is leaving her job on Suits to join him in the UK and their long-distance relationship is coming to a close as they transition to a live-in couple. Jess joined Carolyn (yay!) to discuss long distance relationships on The Morning Show. Check out the summary and video below.

And don’t forget to listen to Jess’ podcast as she discusses her part-time long-distance relationship with her hubby, Brandon Ware.

1. Meghan is leaving her career to become a full-time princess. Is it healthy to leave a career and life behind for love?

  • She’s leaving one career and moving into another. Of course, it’s okay to ditch a career for a relationship. Not only is she moving into a new and exciting career which will probably involve fulfilling charity work and fundraising, but if you ask almost anyone, they’ll always say that they value their relationship and family more than their career.  Why should...
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Rewriting the Rules of Marriage — The Millennial Script

Every week I receive inquiries from reporters asking if monogamy and marriage are relics of the past. My answer? Of course not. Compared to most of human history, we’re likely more monogamous now than we’ve ever been. But for the first time in modern history, we’re talking about what monogamy means and redefining marriage with the understanding that one-size does not fit all. Today I joined Jeff McArthur to discuss the ways in which millennials are rewriting the rules of marriage.

1. How has our approach to sex changed over time?

  • Our support for premarital sex has increased. In the 70s only 29% of American adults classified premarital sex as “not wrong at all”. In the 80s, it increased to 42% and between 2010 and 2012, the number reached 58%.
  • The age of first intercourse has remained relatively stable, but more Millenials seem to be waiting.

2. What about technology?

  • More couples are meeting online — some data suggests it’s as high as 1/3...
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Reasons Why People Cheat

Jess talks about the reasons and science behind cheaters on Global TV's The Morning Show with Jeff McArthur. See her expanded notes and video below.

Why do people cheat?

  • A new study found that unmet interdependence and intimate needs being met tops the list of reasons why Millenials cheat; intimacy refers to communication, passion, and love — not simply sex.
  • Other reasons include a desire for independence, novelty, excitement, the feeling of being desired, attention and alcohol also plays a role.
  • Those who experience anxiety about sexual performance are 7 percent more likely to cheat. Researchers theorize that these cheaters might stray to avoid facing their fears in a meaningful relationship or to make progress with a partner who isn’t familiar with their sexual history.
  • I don’t want to overstate the notion of a propensity to cheat, as personal agency plays a larger role than any tendency, but research suggests that men who report high levels of “sexual...
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How Do Age Gaps Affect Relationships?

John Stamos and Caitlin McHugh are engaged and commentary regarding their 23-year age gap has erupted. But what does the data say about May-December relationships? Jess discusses with Jeff on Global TV’s The Morning Show.

1. What do you think of a 23-year age gap? Can a couple that is more than two decades apart really make it work?

Global - October 2017 1

Of course they can! I don’t know anything about their relationship, but I’d be interested in at least a dozen other factors (beginning with how they treat each other and how they manage conflict) before I’d be worried about age.

2. Why are people so critical of these types of relationships?

Many of us are quick to criticize other people’s relationships because it helps us to avoid looking in our own closets. By suggesting that Stamos and McHugh are bound to divorce, it distracts us from our own fears with regard to our own relationships’ fragility. People make marriages work with big income gaps, political...

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Are We Replacing the 'Ro' With the 'Bro'?

A study suggests that young heterosexual men are happier with their friendships than they are with their romantic relationships. Jess joined Jeff on The Morning Show to dissect the study findings. Check out the video and summary notes below.

1. Are bromances really replacing romances?

Of course not. Men have been friends with other men (regardless of sexual orientation) since the beginning of human existence and they still seek out romantic relationships.

2. What did this study find? 

  • It was a small-scale study of 30 undergraduate heterosexual males.
  • They found that the men in the study felt less judged by their close male friends than by their girlfriends and that it was easier for them to overcome conflicts and express their emotions in their bromances than in their romances.

3. Does this mean that men like their friends better than they like their partners? Or that they might as well forgo romantic relationships with women?

  • In some cases, they may have...
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How Would You Deal with Sexual Harassment in Your Workplace?

Jess finally made it back to Canada yesterday and this morning she joined Jeff on The Morning Show to discuss sexual harassment in light of the Harvey Weinstein case.

Watch the video and read through the brief notes below.

How common is sexual harassment?

  • More than one quarter 28% have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.

What is the gender divide?

  • The numbers are higher for women, but men are affected too: 43% and 12%.
  • One-quarter of those who are harassed say that management was unresponsive or dismissive of the issue.

What is it really about?

  • Power, entitlement and a deficit of empathy.
  • Effects: emotional for individual and witnesses; organizational (toxic workplace, decline in productivity etc.)

Donna Karan says they’re asking for it.

  • By the way we dress we’re "asking for trouble"? So the dresses she designs — are they harassment-proof? Or are her dresses also equipping us to “ask for it”? This is absurd. I understand that she has...
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Cheating in the Digital Age

In light of Kevin Hart coming clean about his unfaithful tendencies, Jeff and Jess discussed cheating in the digital age this week on Global TV's The Morning Show. Check out Jess' expanded notes and video below.

How prevalent is cheating?

  • Studies range in data from 1% to 85%, but a review of 31 studies suggests that for married people it’s between 20%-25% and for non-married people (e.g. college students), it ranges from 33%-50%.
  • These figures likely reflect underreporting.


Is cheating on the rise?

  • A review of data from the nationally representative US General Social Survey from 1990-2012 reveals that rates of admission have been consistent for the past 20 years despite the belief that we have more opportunities than ever.
  • Reporting rates for women, however, have increased — we’re closing the gap.

Are you more likely to get caught now because of digital technology?

  • 1/3 of partners admit to snooping — reading emails and texts; if...
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Relationship Education for Kids

How do you approach the topic of relationships with your kids? A dad's letter to his daughters' prospective love interests went viral:


I ain't raisin' no princesses.

Posted by J. Warren Welch on Sunday, September 3, 2017


Today on Global TV's The Morning Show, Jess and Jeff sat down to discuss how parents can introduce the topics of dating and relationships to their kids. Check out the notes and video below.

1. In this example, the father is defying gender stereotypes; critics say you should be protective of your children and that young people need this protection.

  • Of course, there is a natural inclination for all parents to feel protective of their kids and that’s a great thing; but the old version of these rules (i.e. My daughter. My rules) really represented possession — not protection. Part of being protective involves equipping kids with the skills to eventually take care of themselves.
  • These rules apply regardless of gender....
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