Single Women And The Absence Of Contraceptives

Even in today’s society, with all of its medical and scientific advancements, many women still fail to use contraception. The use of contraception can help reduce the risk of STD/STIs and prevent many unwanted pregnancies, yet it falls by the wayside for many women. There are many factors that go into a woman’s decision on why she chooses not to use a form of contraception.


Many women’s religious beliefs forbid the use of contraception. They are told that sexual intercourse is only for the production of children, therefore they do not need to use methods against childbirth. They are however permitted to use the “rhythm method” or cycle beads. These forms rely on counting days or beads to determine fertile days. These methods are highly unreliable because women’s cycles change and are not the same amount of days each month.

There can also be societal factors that would make them uncomfortable talking, let alone, seeking out, contraception. Some women can be embarrassed when it comes to talking about sex and then there is also the fear of rejection from their partner. Many men are guilty of trying to talk their way out of wearing a condom with excuses like “if you loved me you would let me without one”, “I just don’t want anything between us”, and “I’ll pull out.’

There is also the notion that many women do not know the wide breadth of contraception options there are out there. For many, the only type of sex education they have received has been abstinence only sex education which only mentions abstaining from sex to avoid pregnancy. They also may be in an area where they cannot access contraception.

Also, some women, and men, operate under the “superman complex” and don’t feel the need to take steps to protect themselves against STD/STI’s and pregnancy because “it can’t happen to them.”

Respect your sexuality and sexual health. Take some time out to evaluate what works for you. Get educated, ask questions, and find out which method fits your lifestyle the best.

Have fun, be safe, and when it comes to sex, everything is OK here.

About The Author

Dr. Megan Stubbs Dr. Megan Stubbs is a Grand Rapids-based Sexologist. She holds a doctor of education in Human Sexuality from San Francisco’s Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality and a degree in Biology from Grand Valley State University. She also Board Certified by the American College of Sexologists (ACS).

About Dr. Jess

About Dr. Jess

Dr. Jess is a sexologist, author, international speaker and television personality. She has a PhD in human sexuality and travels the globe to promote deliciously pleasurable sex. From hosting Playboy TV's SWING to running workshops for couples' in the Caribbean, she relishes in every moment! Check out her tour schedule here.



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