NYE Ideas When You're On A Budget

expert advice Dec 30, 2015

It's easy to get caught up with the holidays that you push your New Years plans on the back burner. By the time you get around to making NYE plans, your wallet is drained from gift shopping. If you find yourself in this situation, not to worry - you're not alone. Here are a few New Years ideas for when you're on a budget:


A Cottage/Cabin Escape - Whether its just you and your significant other or a big group of friends, spending your evening at a cottage or a cabin is a great way to ring in the new year. If you or someone you know is lucky enough to have access to this kind of vacation property, it will keep your costs down and all you need to consider is your budget for food, drink and travel.

Celebrating in a popular city square - If you plan on celebrating in the big city, club tickets or fancy dinner reservations can get pricey. Why not head down to the free celebrations in your city's core? In big cities like Toronto and New York, free concerts, festivals and fireworks abound, but even in smaller towns, their main squares offer family friendly activities for revelers of all ages.


House Party Potluck - This kind of celebration can not get any easier on your wallet. There is nothing better than an intimate atmosphere with you and your closest friends counting down the new year. Pick a theme for food and drink (e.g. Spanish, Austrian or Greek) and plan your decor and midnight toast accordingly.


An Evening Activity - If you aren't looking to spend a lot on NYE, that doesn't mean you have to sit and home and watch the festivities from your television.  An evening activity with your partner couldn't be more romantic. Reading from a warmer climate? A late night picnic on the beach watching the fireworks is the perfect way to ring in 2016. Or if you're living in a place that calls for a winter jacket, an outdoor winter activity can be both cost-friendly and thoughtful. Snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, a sleigh ride or ice skating are a few intimate options. What could be more romantic than spending your evening in a winter wonderland under the stars? Sold!

This article was written by Kelly Hawker, the Brand Manager

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