How Do Millennials Feel About Sex?

How do millennials feel about sex in 2016? We sent out our top Sex with Dr. Jess intern to Toronto Pride Week 2016 to find out! Check out what these young Torontonians have to say:


1. "There's no point hooking up with randoms, we need to feel special....All my friends are dating each other now because they realized that about themselves" - Marcus, 21, Bloor and Yonge @ Pride Week 2016

2. "You should come home with us [referring to interviewer], my girlfriend has a crush on you" - Madison, 19, Bloor and Church @ Pride Week 2016

3. "It takes time to develop a sexuality - the majority of people definitely don't know what they fully want- that's why we have to be more sexually accepting as a society"- Angela, 19, Queen Street West @ Trinity Bellwoods Park

4. "Jumping from relationship to relationship is not a good idea, but sometimes we can't help wanting the beauty people bring to your life. I've been with [my girlfriend] for a 4 years now and that's after being in two other serious relationships before that.... if you aren't ready to take a chance on someone then that's on you, not anyone else" - Mustafa, 23, Queen Street West, @ Trinity Bellwoods Park

5. "Being casual these days - nothing too serious on my mind. The three guys I'm talking to right now know I'm not looking for anything serious anyway, so I guess I'm waiting to see who sticks - never in a hurry." Miranda, 21, King Street West @ Pride Week

6. "You have to get out there! Run, swim, climb, fuck! How are you going to meet anyone if you're waiting for them to come to you. That's why I despise these sex apps. It is way more freeing to meet someone when they're looking into your eyes for the first time. I think some of my friends are slowly getting it - got them to delete Tinder. Us old fashioned guys like more passion than a casual meeting" - Randy, 25, King Street West area @ St. Andrew Station


7. "I think people have a lot of opinions about this but people may slowly realize sex is whatever anyone wants it to be...... I know for a fact that two friends of mine gave each other prostate massages at a party. I personally think that's weird...but I don't meddle because it's what happens man - people get horny", Nahid, 23, Dundas Square @ Pride Week

8. "Sex is love. Even if you don't know the person's name, fuck it you know? It's all about loving each other these days. People need to start appreciating each other's beauty, [however] I wouldn't want you to think I want to sexualize people... [the contrary] is what I'm trying to promote." - Shayan, 24, Queen and Church @ Metropolitan Church

9. "For instance, you don't need to orgasm to have sex. I lost my reproductive organs after a surgery that had to be done [relating to cancer treatment]. My sexual life in general has now become about mental energy... I once felt something close to an orgasm when watching someone masturbate. Watching them feel that pleasure while being  naked and beautiful summoned a sort of euphoric feeling in my body- They let me watch of course -  I'm not a perv!" - Jason, 24, Bloor and Yonge @ Pride Week

10. "Sex these days is about women taking back their control of it. I'm still not happy about seeing all these young girls being encouraged to sexualize themselves for money [referring to modelling industry]. I used to be a model and the things they tell you sound like a scheme to infantilize ourselves. I've actually noticed so many of my male friends are aware of this, that gives me hope but much work still needs to be done. I still see many aggressive people out there who want to use men  and women as sexual objects." - Soheila, 22, University of Toronto @ Hart House

Post By: Hootan Ghaffari 

Hootan is a 20 year old philosophy/literature student at the University of Toronto. He has an eye for the creative arts. 

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