Falling in Love Costs You Friends

expert advice reviews Nov 06, 2015

How does falling in love affect your relationship with your friends? Research suggests that your friend circle may shrink as your love blossoms!


Why do we lose friends when we fall in love? Is it healthy? What can we do about it?

"It can be common to lose friends when you fall in love for a few reasons. Often people throw themselves into the relationship and spend all their time with that person.  Friends may feel neglected and life suddenly becomes imbalanced. While this feels blissful at the time for those lovers, it is wise to try to resume some balance and to keep in touch with your loved ones, supports and regular commitments.  I tell my clients that the right person will blend with their existing life so they should try and keep many of their regular pursuits going early on.

Also, at times friends may feel jealous when you fall in love if they are single. They may feel left behind, lonely or envious.  It can be helpful to be sensitive to those possible feelings and to be open to discuss this if things seem off. Hopefully some friends will be really happy for you and supportive too."
- 'Dr. Paulette Kouffman Sherman, psychologist and author of, 'Dating from the Inside Out' and 'The Book of Sacred Baths.'

Falling in Love Costs You Friends

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