What Canadians Want: Most Searched-For Sex Terms

jess' articles Aug 16, 2021

According to Lovehoney, The Sexual Happiness People, Canadians are into a wide range of activities and props when it comes to sex. The top search terms based on web searches and sales in the Great White North since 2020 are as follows:

General item searches:

  • Dildo
  • Butt Plug
  • We-Vibe (a good Canadian brand)
  • Dildo Moulding Kits
  • Cock Ring

The most searched for body parts include:

  • Nipples
  • Anal
  • Prostate
  • Clit

It’s no surprise that Canadians are searching for dildos, butt plugs and prostates (our Anal Sex  & Prostate Play Episodes consistently rank as our most popular podcast shows), but we were surprised to learn that Canadians are so keen on moulding their own dildos.

How cool and crafty!

The Clone-A-Willy kit is apparently a best-seller, as it allows you to transform your lover’s phallus into a toy — it's the gift that keeps on giving. It comes in multiple colours and even offers the option to create a glow in the dark version.

It makes sense that we’re drawn to cloning our own body parts (and our partners’), as there is something erotic about the familiar and personal. It’s not just for those into body/cock worship, but also fun for couples looking to play from afar or enjoy a giggle or two as they engage in the artistic process as a team.


If you want to learn more, check out these kits:

Create Your Own Penis Moulding Kit $59.95 

Glow In The Dark Vibrator Moulding Kit $59.95 

Clone-A-Willy and Balls Vibrator Moulding Kit $99.95 

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