R is for Raphe, Retifism, Rimming & Rusty Trombone

The Raphe is the dividing line that runs all the way from the anus, across the perineum, up the scrotal sac to the very tip of the penis. Ask your partner to stand with his legs shoulder-width apart while you kneel on the floor beneath him and lick his raphe with a wide, wet tongue.

Retifism refers to sexual arousal that is derived from shoes. And since the foot is the most common fetish in North America, it’s no surprise that there are a ton of retifists in our mist. Here’s to sky-high heels in the bedroom!

Rimming involves licking, sucking and kissing around the butt-hole.

Rusty Trombone: Are you a musician at heart? Then you’ll love this one whether you’re a giver or receiver! The Rusty Trombone involves eating-out a man’s butt from behind, while reaching around to stroke his penis as though you’re playing a trombone. Two words: why not?

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