P is for Pearl Necklace, Pegging, Penguin, Phallophobia and Priapism

The Pearl Necklace involves spraying your ejaculate on your partner’s neck/chest so that it looks like s/he is wearing pearls. Use your imagination and remember to ask first!

Pegging refers to a woman penetrating her male partner’s butt with a strap-on dildo. The term was coined by Dan Savage who asked his readers to vote on the best term for “a woman fucking a man in the ass with a strap-on dildo” and pegging beat out BOBing (bend-over-boyfriend) and Punting (kicking the ball to the other team)

The Penguin is easy and fun to visualize. It involves two (or more) people engaging in any sort of sexual activity in which one partner walks or runs away right before the other reaches orgasm. The abandoned partner chases after the ditcher with his/her pants around the ankles so that the it looks like s/he is running like a penguin. Get it?

Phallophobia refers to the a persistent, irrational fear of the penis.

Priapism refers to a prolonged (often painful) erection of the penis that is persistent, unwanted and not a result of sexual stimulation. It may be caused by medications, drug use, blood disorders or a number of injuries. Complications can occur if treatment is not received promptly, so if you or a penis you love has a prolonged painful erection, be sure to seek immediate medical attention.


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