Condoms? There’s an App for that.

uncategorized Aug 11, 2011

MTV Staying Alive and iCondom Create the World's Largest Condom Map

While some American pharmacies continue to lock up condoms, MTV and iCondom are trying to make safer sex more accessible through GPS-Condom technology. Though they're yet to come out with a condom with built-in GPS (ouch!), this iPhone app allows users to locate the closest place to pick up condoms with updated maps.

Please check out iCondom's site...

"MTV Staying Alive and iCondom are asking everyone to join them in the fight to help prevent the transmission of HIV, AIDS and other STIs.

Simply download the free iCondom app and upload the location of your nearest condom dispenser or retailer via GPS.

Together we are creating the world's largest condom distribution map, the first user-generated map of its kind.

The app provides information that has been uploaded by other users, such as whether the store has 24 hour opening or a dispensing machine is out of order.

Watch our campaign, download the app and help MTV and iCondom in their mission and make it easier for people to avoid putting themselves and others at risk."

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